Issue - decisions

Revenue Expenditure Outturn 2016/17

18/07/2017 - Revenue Expenditure Outturn 2016/17

That the Executive:


i)              Noted the outturn expenditure for 2016/17, subject to audit, of £66.763m, which represents an under spend of -£3.515m compared with the approved budget.

ii)             Noted the budget carry forwards of £0.221m (see paragraph 5.9 and Annexe C of the Borough Treasurer’s report).

iii)            Recommends that Council note the Treasury Management performance in 2016/17 as set out in Annexe B of the Borough Treasurer’s report.

iv)           Approvedthe earmarked reserves as set out in Annexe D of the Borough Treasurer’s report.

v)            Approved the virements relating to the 2016/17 budget between £0.050m and £0.100m and recommend those that are over £0.100m for approval by Council (see Annexe E of the Borough Treasurer’s report).