Issue - decisions

Review of Highway Maintenance - Interim Report

28/06/2011 - Review of Highway Maintenance - Interim Report

The Panel received from Councillor Brossard, the Review of Highway Maintenance Interim Report undertaken by a working group of the Environment, Culture and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


The Working Group had held productive meetings with officers and the Council’s highway maintenance contractor to analyse the road surface and level of deterioration across the borough.


The Panel noted that the highway network in Bracknell Forest was generally in good condition and that the Council’s response to pot holes was very successful with positive feedback received from residents.


Owing to membership changes, the Working Group had produced an interim report however, it was felt that the work of the Group should continue.


At the request of the Chairman, the Panel received a tabled report from the Head of Highways Asset Management which provided details of the background to the cause of the surface problems on the A322 Bagshot Road, and apprised Members of the current position.


The two-coat surface dressing had been chosen as the most appropriate surface for the A322 which had been included in the 2011/12 Local Transport Plan funded capital works programme.


The surface dressing had been applied to plan, however, the ‘bedding-in’ of the surface dressing had not taken place resulting in a significant loss of aggregate which meant the original road surface was visible.


A meeting between the Council and the contactor was held to discuss the nature of the failure and remedial works. Testing of the aggregate used, showed that it contained more than the permissible level of grit and dust which had prevented it from adhering to the road surface. The failure was the responsibility of the contractor who was required to test aggregate before use.


The Panel expressed concern regarding the disruption caused to residents during the incident and any further disruption resulting from remedial action planned. It had been proposed that remedial action take place during the second half of July in the weekend beginning 16 July to reduce the impact on rush hour traffic. The start date or works would be confirmed in the near future.


The Panel noted that the cost of remedial works would be met by the contractor and that the Director had a meeting scheduled with the contractor’s National Operations Manager to fully understand the cause of the problem . It was reported that to date officers had not yet calculated the resource from Bracknell Forest used to address the issue.


It was agreed that a further report regarding the A322 Bagshot Road resurfacing project would be brought to the next meeting of the Environment, Culture and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel.




a)      the interim report of the Review of Highway Maintenance Working Group, be agreed and commended to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission for adoption and for sending formally to the relevant Executive Member.


b)      that Councillor Mrs Angell be appointed to the Working Group to fill the membership vacancy arising from the resignation of a former member.