Agenda item

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


The minutes of the last meeting of the Forum held on the 4 February 2020 were approved as a correct record, subject to the following amends.


Point 140, change reference from Wellers Lane to Church Lane.

Point 148, change reference to South East Berkshire Ramblers.


The action points from the minutes not included elsewhere on the agenda were reviewed and progress/ updates noted. Members/officers noted how the coronavirus pandemic had significantly impacted on being able to deliver of many of the actions.


  • The proposed site visits to Bucklers Forest SANG and the Blue Mountain SANG were put on hold, and the forum would look at these again when safe to do so.
  • Work on the mapping of path furniture remains in abeyance while Rose is on extended secondment with the comms team. To carry forward to next meeting.

(Action: Rose Wicks)


  • Colin has made some progress with the work to create a list of RoW improvements and suggestions for the creation of new paths, recreational routes and links. For example, getting routes added to the Definitive Map. There are nine suggestions currently on the list, which Colin will provide so they’re distributed with the meeting minutes.

(Action: Chair/Rose Wicks)


  • Action on publicity around new SANGs opening, keeping website news items up to date and more use of social media. There has been a huge surge in people using outdoor spaces for fresh air and exercise, which has been putting pressure on facilities. Comms messages have been focused on COVID-19 and the need for safe and responsible use of local parks and countryside. This action to be carried forward.

(Action: Rose Wicks)


  • David Warren was contacted by Nicola Greenwood about promoting local routes and events connected to horse riding. Nicola sits on the Mid and West Berks LAF and is an access and bridleway officer in the BHS. David Warren to liaise with Jenny Young about how we can promote horse riding in Bracknell Forest.

(Action: Jenny Yung and David Warren)


  • It should be possible to make a creation agreement to formalise the designation of the bridleway at Horseshoe Lake. The timing hasn’t been the best while the site is currently very busy, so this action needs to be carried forward.

(Action: Graham Pockett to add to future work programme)


  • The Chair had deferred calling a get together to discuss, review and grade accessible routes in the Borough.  One of the suggestions had been a proposed route through Garth Meadows.  To put on hold until a site meeting can be set up, starting from Quelm Lane.

(Action: Chair)


  • The sub-regional neighbouring LAF Chairs meeting proposed would be impractical do to in person given the current circumstances, but Graham Pockett would look at setting this up via Microsoft Teams. It worked effectively for the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport (ADEPT) meeting he attended.

 (Action: Graham Pockett)


  • The proposal to seek an access to SANG 2 at Church Lane once all the land required was in the ownership of the Council should be added to the spreadsheet of suggested new routes.

(Action: Chair/Graham Pockett)

  • Crowthorne FP 8 on the Broadmoor Estate – proposal to replace steel stiles with more accessible furniture. Still no response to enquiries sent to North West London Mental Health Trust. Carry this action forward.

(Action: Chair/Graham Pockett)


  • Hugh extended his congratulations to whoever is responsible for improving accessibility of the FPs in Warfield, by removing scissor stiles. Rob Solomon has been doing a lot of work on this.


  • Members discussed the path alongside the Blue Mountain SANG, which was having significant drainage issues, being caused by the nearby earthworks. This was being investigated with the Drainage Engineer and developer, including whether any conditions of planning permission had yet to be met regarding provision of the SANG, before any proposals for improvements were brought. BFC were also looking at an improvement project to FP10, using s106 funding, that would improve accessibility and links.


  • Ambarrow path diversion – the new dedicated path is now a RoW on the Definitive Map. Signage needed to be completed, and action in this regard was slowed due to COVID-19. (Post-meeting note: Work completed on 22/06/2020)

(Action: Graham Pockett)

  • Volunteer walks wouldn’t continue, which was a decision taken before COVID-19. There were plenty of other local walking groups people could get on board with. Hugh wasn’t prepared to run the walks, while BFC didn’t take accountability for them.


  • Design for a sign for multi-user paths has been produced by TRF in consultation with some LCAF members and BFC officers. To get approval from BFC and to also run this past BHS and South East Berks Ramblers. BFC have the right to install signs on highways, but out of courtesy would need to check with the landowners of where they’re looking to install the signs.

(Action: David Warren, Jenny Yung, Colin Bird and BFC)


  • Cabbage Hill Path new route – to contact Thames Water to get this moving again.

(Action: Chair)


  • Bracknell Forest Local Plan and Jealott’s Hill development. BFC website said there was a delay in progressing the local plan to the next round of consultation, as they were still processing consultation feedback from the last round. September – expect to have the LP ready for the pre-submission consultation, which is when LCAF should provide input to RoW. BFC to keep LCAF updated on timescales.

(Action: Graham Pockett and Rose Wicks)

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