Agenda item

ROWIP2 Actions


The meeting was presented with a number of slides showing ROWIP2 actions either proposed or carried out.


Policy 1 Rights of Way for all

A project was proposed to replace or remove metal stiles on Crowthorne FP8 across the Broadmoor Estate.  It may be possible to remove some stiles completely while others may be suitable for replacement with a kissing gate.  Contact would be made with the NHS Estates Manager responsible for the Broadmoor estate to discuss and agree options.

(Action: Graham Pockett)


Policy 1 Rights of Way for all

Arising from concerns, it was proposed to look at Binfield FP25 and FP10 with a view to making this route from Forest Road to Jocks Lane less susceptible to flooding.  While an overflow from The Cut could be a problem, it was considered that run off from the adjacent Blue Mountain SANG, where there were ongoing works, was the main cause of flooding.  This would be investigated with the Drainage Engineer and developer, including whether any conditions of planning permission had yet to be met regarding provision of the SANG, before any proposals for improvements were brought forward.

(Action: Graham Pockett)


Policy 2 Full legal duties

The Rail Crossing Diversion Order had been completed and brought into force bringing into use the new bridge and path at Ambarrow Hill.  Images of the signage to be erected were shown; there was a delay in delivery which meant they had yet to be installed.  The next step of the project was to create a link from the southern end of the diverted route through to the public car park.  As this was over Council land it could done by Dedication Order.  This link could also be added to the spreadsheet.

(Action: Chair/Graham Pockett)


Devil’s Highway – Crowthorne

The car park at Crowthorne Woods was closed by Crown Estate wardens on 15 November 2019.  The Council had completed works on installation of a new vehicle barrier and using hoggin from the old car park to resurface parts of the restricted byway.


Action 1 under this policy related to online BFC route guides to be updated.  The Forum viewed the initial proposals for a route through Garth Meadows due to be reviewed by the ‘Accessible Routes Group’.  Arising from the key on the map, it was noted that there was confusion about the status of byways, as shown on an OS map for instance, which may appear to be open to all traffic when there was a TRO in place restricting its use.

(Action: Chair and Group)


Policy 4 Information and Marketing

The Forum noted the dates and details of the volunteer led walks publicised for February, March and April.  Owing to the Council’s need for economies, further leaflet promotions had been cancelled and there were doubts about the future events programme generally.  Volunteers leading the walks, for instance, would not be willing to continue unless these events were ‘sponsored’ by the Council.  Some clarification was necessary.

(Action: Graham Pockett)


Policy 5 Responsible Use

This was the proposal to erect signs to encourage courteous behaviour in relation to shared use paths.  David Warren and Rob Solomon had been working on this and the meeting viewed some signage suggestions, noting that these were still subject to change as regards colour, possible inclusion of other Groups’ logos etc.  The Forum was very supportive of this initiative and recorded its thanks to the TRF/David Warren for paying for the signs (around 8 in total) to be put up.  Members expressed a preference for the symbols showing the permitted class of user to be in white.  It was hoped that local branches of the Ramblers Association and the British Horse Society would confirm agreement to use of logos.

(Action: David Warren and Rob Solomon)


Policy 8 Working in Partnership

The Forum noted dates of meetings of neighbouring LAFs.  No meetings were programmed for Slough BC since it was thought they were currently without a Rights of Way Officer.