Agenda item

18/00326/FUL Bus Depot and Offices Coldborough House, Market Street, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1JA

Redevelopment of site to provide a building with a maximum height of 11 storeys accommodating 246no. residential units, up to 130 sq m of commercial space (use classes A1, A2, B1, D1 and D2) and ancillary works including car parking, cycle parking and associated landscaping.


Redevelopment of site to provide a building with a maximum height of 11 storeys accommodating 246no. residential units, up to 130 sq m of commercial space (use classes A1, A2, B1, D1 and D2) and ancillary works including car parking, cycle parking and associated landscaping


The Committee noted:

·         The supplementary report of the Head of Planning tabled at the meeting.

·         The comments of Bracknell Town Council recommending approval of the application.

·         That no letters of representation were received in response to the planning application.


Having read the officer report and heard the debate, the Committee were not persuaded by the issues and arguments raised and, therefore an alternative motion was proposed and seconded and being put to the vote was CARRIED


RESOLVED that planning application 18/00326/FUL be REFUSED for the following reasons:


01.       A number of the proposed apartments would receive unacceptable levels of daylight to the detriment of the living conditions of future occupiers. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies CS1 and CS7 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the NPPF.


02.       The proposal would not comply with the Local Planning Authority’s standards in respect of vehicle parking. This would be harmful to the amenity of future residents, and access and safety within the site, and could encourage on-street parking and therefore have a detrimental impact upon road safety and the flow of traffic. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to Policy M9 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policy CS23 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and Bracknell Forest Borough Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document.


03.       The occupants of the development would put extra pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and the proposal would not satisfactorily mitigate its impacts in this respect.  In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable avoidance and mitigation measures and access management monitoring arrangements, in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, the proposal would be contrary to Policy NRM6 of the South East Plan, Policy EN3 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policy CS14 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (2012).


04.       In the absence of a planning obligation to secure affordable housing in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, the proposal is contrary to Policy H8 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policies CS16 and CS17 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document, the Planning Obligations SPD and the resolution on affordable housing made by BFC Executive on 29 March 2011.


05.       In the absence of planning obligations to secure:-

- the provision and retention of on-site electric vehicle charging facilities

- long-term management of the access to the service area

- the establishment and long-term provision of a car-club to serve the development

- a financial contribution to improvements to foot/cycle ways along Market Street

- securing a travel plan(s) with associated fees and deposit payments

- a financial contribution towards improvements to Bracknell Rail Station

- long-term management of the site including site security

the proposal would not cater satisfactorily for the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicle users and personal safety to the detriment of road safety and sustainable development and would therefore be contrary to Policy M4 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan and Policies CS1, CS23 and CS24 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document.


06.       The proposed development would unacceptably increase the pressure on open space of public value and community facilities. In the absence of a planning obligation in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, and which secures the on-site provision of open space of public value, the proposal is contrary to Policies SC1 and R4 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policy CS8 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (adopted February 2015).


07.       It has not been demonstrated that the proposed development would incorporate a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) for the management of surface water run-off which would be maintained for the lifetime of the development. This is contrary to the House of Commons: Written Statement (HCWS161) Sustainable Drainage Systems 18/12/2014, the NPPF and the Flood Risk and Coastal Change PPG updated 15/04/2015.





Supporting documents: