Agenda item

CSE/Missing Strategic Sub-group Update


Karen Roberts presented the CSE/Missing Strategic Sub-group Update.


Reduced attendance was hampering progress of the sub-group, particularly in the last 6 months as the CCG were no longer a part of the group and others were not attending. Karen agreed to discuss further with the Chair as decisions had been delayed due to poor attendance. (Action: Karen Roberts/Alex Walters)


The LSCB recognised the achievements of the group, including positive results from SEMRAC, Missing and Return Home Interview (RHI) work. However, the particular social worker who had conducted many successful RHIs and one to one work, was now on maternity leave. Cover for this post had been arranged, but the Board was asked to monitor the impact of this.


A recent social media campaign for CSE led by the Council had used messages from young people who were victims of SCR in Bristol. Karen encouraged partners to promote CSE prevention through their communications departments.


The only CSE training course provided in the last 6 months had only attracted 6 attendees. Karen raised training as a concern, as the Board had recently become aware of changes/reduction to the Council’s Learning and Development resource, and the LSCB’s Ofsted inspection had raised this as an issue. There had not been good take up of the online CSE training either. The training needs analysis work had commenced for the Board, and Jonathan agreed that CSE would clearly be incorporated.


County Lines was recognised as a new area of work for the sub-group, and it was not clear how best to include this within the existing workstreams given the complexity of the work. An organisation of ex-gang members had been commissioned by children’s social care and the Police to speak to young people to educate them on the dangers of drugs and gangs. Sonia Johnson, Head of Service in CSC and Police leads were putting together a report on requirements to tackle County Lines going forward.


Jonathan Picken commented that CDOP were doing themed work regarding the national and regional increase in stabbings of young people, and there was significant concern about gang based violence. Jonathan agreed to report back to the Board on the CDOP work..


The challenges and risks to the sub-group were:

  • Not yet being involved in the Youth Coaching/Sports sector, but Phil Cook and Involve were assisting the LSCB with this work on raising awareness/providing advice.
  • A stocktake of CSE training provided within schools had been recommended by the Council Overview and Scrutiny committee but it was recognised that CSE training was not standalone but frequently incorporated into PHSE activity and also covered by work within schools undertaken by the YOS and the Youth Service on broader issues of sexual health. The Lay Member had also looked at arrangements in two secondary schools which confirmed issues were being addressed ..
  • Resourcing of county lines would be considered further once the report being currently prepared is completed.


Low level reporting into SEMRAC had been raised with Health colleagues, and it was hoped that referrals would be improved.


Karen commented that the sub-group was waiting for the report arising from the Sexting Task and Finish group. Ian Dixon agreed to follow this up. (Action Ian Dixon)


Karen was thanked for her continued leadership of the CSE and Missing sub group and all partners for their contribution to this work.