Agenda item

LSCB Business

a.    LSCB Independent Chair’s Report (Alex Walters)

b.    LSCB Safeguarding Business Plan (Jonathan Picken)

c.    Challenge Log (Alex Walters)

d.    LSCB Self Assessment (Alex Walters) – to follow


LSCB Independent Chair’s Report

Alex Walters presented the 6 monthly LSCB Report of the Independent Chair prepared for the CEO and Leader, Lead Member, highlighting the following updates to the Board:

  • CAFCASS attendance
  • Bracknell Forest LSCB Support and Resources
  • Business plan for 2016/17 and 17/18
  • Peer review process
  • Local Authority and number of children subject to child protection plans
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Schools and EHE concerns

It was emphasised that the report reflected the work and challenges of the LSCB and therefore contained no surprises.


LSCB Business Plan 2016 – 19

Jonathan Picken presented the 2017-18 update to the LSCB Business Plan for 2016-19, including updates to the LSCB Core Functions and Targeted Priorities for 2017-18. The Business Plan had been previously discussed with the Board at its March meeting and with the sub group chairs at a development event.

Targeted priorities for 17/18 were confirmed as:


Early Help

Disabled children

Online Safety

Domestic Abuse

Child Protection arrangements


Arising from discussion, it was noted that:

  • An evidence base for the priorities had been included to advise the rationale for their inclusion as targeted priorities.
  • It was requested that the completion dates on the LSCB Core Functions should be tightened to prevent work slipping under the ‘ongoing’ category. (Action: Jonathan Picken)
  • Assurance was requested that young people’s mental health would be captured by the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and it was requested that this be referred to in the report (Action: Alex Walters).


LSCB Risk/Challenge Log 2017-18

Alex Walters presented the LSCB Risk and Challenge Log 2017-18. The majority of actions were underway, and none were ‘Red’ rated.


Arising from discussion, the following points were noted:

  • Julia Powers thanked Alex Walters for raising concerns around housing for MAPPA identified individuals, and commented that this had resulted in an ongoing piece of work to provide for single occupancy.
  • Ian Dixon advised that Alex Walters had met with the pan-Berkshire LSCB Chair to discuss provision for Elective Home Educated (EHE) children, and a Task and Finish group chaired by Ian Dixon had been established to explore the issue across Berkshire. A letter would be sent to the Department for Education to raise concerns around the lack of support and safeguarding provision for children who were EHE. The LSCB thanked Ian for chairing the Task and Finish Group.
  • The LSCB was advised that Bracknell Forest Homes were in the progress of merging with Housing Solutions, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead housing provider. Nikki Edwards agreed to raise the issue with the Council’s Corporate Management Team to discuss the new governance arrangements of the merged service. (Action: Nikki Edwards)


The Effectiveness of the LSCB

Jonathan Picken presented the Effectiveness of the LSCB report, which captured evidence of impact of the LSCB’s work.


Child Protection Conference 6 monthly Report

Lisa Tingle, Conference & Review Team Manager, presented the CP Conference Update report, which included a summary of agency attendance commenting particularly on the attendance of Education Professionals over the summer period, and GPs which had been raised as a concern by the LSCB.


Lisa was assured that where any professional was unable to attend a conference, a detailed report would be sent. The Conference Chairs had not recognised any on going issues with engagement/attendance from agencies, but monitoring and tracking had been established and would be included in the Annual Report.


Nikki Edwards confirmed that Headteachers would be happy to attend conferences wherever possible during school holidays.