Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements


Green Flag Awards


The Executive Member for Culture, Corporate Services and Public Protection, Councillor McCracken reported that this year Bracknell Forest’s parks were judged by the judge who trains the judges. 1795 green spaces were judged this year and only 150 scored over 80 points. Bracknell Forest has six prestigious Green Flag awards and all of the parks had increased their band rating with South Hill Park and Lily Hill Park achieving the highest rating possible with scores of over 80. This placed them in the top ten nationally.


Ofsted Inspection


The Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning, Councillor Dr Barnard shared with the meeting a letter sent from Robert Goodwill MP, Minister of State for Children and Families. The letter responded to the publication of Ofsted’s report on the Council’s services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and the review if the effectiveness of the local safeguarding board. The letter  emphasised the strengths identified by Ofsted and the Members present joined Councillor Dr Barnard in congratulating the Director and her team. 


Lexicon Opening


The Executive Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Councillor Brunel-Walker shared images with the meeting which captured the opening of the Lexicon on 7 September 2017. He focused upon the final image which showed the Chief Executive and his staff team. The meeting joined him in congratulating all those involved but in particular he mentioned:

·         Vincent Paliczka, Director of Environment, Culture and Communities and his team

·         Andrew Hunter, Chief Officer: Planning, Transport & Countryside and his team

·         Steve Loudoun, Chief Officer: Environment & Public Protection and his team

·         Louise Osborn, Operational Support Manager and her parking team

·         Nikki Edwards, Director Children Young People and Learning and her team for working with Bracknell Regeneration Partnership to create the fantastic opening involving children from across the borough. He added that the scenes of the children collecting up the confetti had been memorable with children spotted at the weekend still wearing their Lexicon t-shirts.

·         Victor Nicholls, Assistant Chief Executive was a key member of the team who had worked on this project even though he had now left the authority.

·         Veryan Lyons, Team Manager - Regeneration & Economy and Beverley McWilliam, Regeneration Project Support Officer

·         Alana Razzell, Deputy Head of Communications & Marketing and the rest of the Communications and Marketing team for their work holding onto the communication strategy and making sure that the Council had a voice.

·         Timothy Wheadon, Chief Executive who had been a constant force in the project and should be recognised for the work he had done to keep the project on track.


The Members present applauded the Chief Executive to show their appreciation.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bettison OBE presented the Chief Executive, Timothy Wheadon with a framed picture from the opening as a memento of this achievement which it was acknowledged had been a long process involving a number of hurdles.


On receiving the gift the Chief Executive, though honoured by what had been said, wanted it noted that the redevelopment had been a team effort which would not have been achieved without the support and commitment of elected members.


The Mayor presented Councillor Bettison OBE, Councillor Brunel-Walker and the Chief Executive with certificates in recognition of their involvement in this significant development for the borough.  

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