Agenda item

Minutes and Matters Arising


The minutes of the meeting on 25 November 2016 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising

  • A multi-agency audit process had been undertaken to examine the effectiveness between partner agencies and the LADO around the management of allegations. Learning from this work would be disseminated to the LISG in February and to the LSCB in March.(Action: LISG)
  • Jonathan Picken had met with Leah Thompson to discuss a training provider who had delivered training on self-harm to pastoral leads in schools. It was agreed that this would be progressed through the Training and Professional Development Sub Group (Action: LISG)
  • It was noted that the report on the Pan-Berkshire hosting arrangements was still a fluid document, as discussions were still ongoing regarding the transfer period. Jonathan noted that the CSE Sub-Group would be required to meet once more under Bracknell Forest before transferring to Slough. JP is to meet with Pradip Panchmatia on 7th March 2017 to progress and will submit an updated report to the Independent Chairs meeting on 8th March 2017. (Action: Jonathan Picken)
  • Ian Dixon updated the Board on work to examine e-safety provision. The Children and Young People’s Partnership had met on 10/1/17 and reconsidered the aim of the task and finish group which had been established to provide assurance that e-safety would be established across the partnership boards. At the meeting of the Children and Young People’s Partnership, it had been recognised that e-safety and all other forms of safeguarding within schools were the responsibility of the Headteacher and Governing body. It was therefore suggested that e-safety be incorporated into the routine S175 school audits and sampling processes to gain assurance of the level of understanding. Referrals of specific e-safety concerns to the Local Authority would be raised with schools on an individual basis. It was also recognised that due to the speed at which technological trends were developing, a new guidance document or protocol would soon be out of date if maintained by Bracknell Forest. Rather, it was agreed that existing guidance from the Department for Education be disseminated to all schools. The existing task and finish group would be re-tasked with forming an implementation strategy for existing guidance which will be shared with members of the LSCB.
  • With regard to the discussion around e-safety, Jonathan Picken commented that LSCB training schedule may be adapted to incorporate this and any other related topic the Board thought helpful eg. impact of pornography.
  • Alex Walters commented that the functions previously undertaken by the CSP E-safety sub group would need to be reviewed to ensure all the work was being addressed. (Action: Ian Dixon)
  • With regard to the discussion around e-safety, Ian Boswell commented that the outcomes of an ongoing Prevent Chanel Panel may lead to useful learning to be disseminated. Ian commented that the referral to Chanel had been appropriate, and that effective safeguards had been identified or put in place.
  • The report on the MASH evaluation had been received in draft, and would be presented at the March Board meeting. (Action: Mairead Panetta)
  • Jonathan Picken reported that he had been discussed the necessity for partners training in the Signs of Safety methodology with Sarah Roberts, and whether multi-agency events were part of the transformation bid. This will be progressed through the Training and Professional Development Sub Group. (Action: Keith Grainger /Jonathan Picken)
  • Lorna Hunt informed the Board that the regional adoption agency combining Adopt Berkshire with Oxfordshire and Swindon Councils was hoped to be functional in Autumn 2017, subject to finance arrangements (briefing report previously sent out with agenda)
  • Partners were reminded of the Thresholds Guidance animation which was now linked from the BFLSCB homepage, or at and should be disseminated as widely as possible.