Agenda item

Application 15/00403/FUL Jolly Farmer, Yorktown Road, College Town

Erection of building comprising 42no. sheltered apartments for the elderly with a retail unit/tea shop (use class A3) and associated parking following demolition of existing building.


The Committee noted:


·         The supplementary report of the Head of Planning tabled at the meeting.

·         Four letters of objection received in respect of the proposal, as summarised ion the agenda papers.


Following the completion of planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to:-


01. a financial contribution to the off-site provision of affordable Housing;

02. mitigation of impacts on the Thames Basin Heaths SPA; and

03. an occupancy restriction so that minimum age for occupancy of the flats is 65 years.


RESOLVED that the Head of Planning be authorised to APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Head of Planning considers necessary:-


1.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON:  To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990


2.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and other submitted details received by the Local Planning Authority.


Received 11.07.2016

Tree Protection Plan 1325-BT9

Arboriculture Impact Appraisal and Method Statement dated 11.07.2016

4753/202 Rev. B (Swept path analysis Sheet 2 of 4)

4753/204 Rev B (Swept path analysis Sheet 4 of 4)

4753/205 Rev D (Swept path analysis proposed car park access)

4753/206 Rev A (Swept path analysis proposed service vehicle access)

(Swept Path analysis proposed service vehicle access)

4753/209 Rev. A (Swept Path analysis car park basement)


Received 05.07.2016

ASP.13.024.001 REV D (Location and block plan)

ASP.15.037.002 REV L (Site plan)

ASP.15.037.003 REV J (Car park layout)

ASP.15.037.100 REV J (Proposed ground floor plan)

ASP.15.037.101 REV H (Proposed first floor plan)

ASP.15.037.102 REV H (Proposed second floor plan)

ASP.15.037.103 REV G (Proposed third floor plan)

ASP.15.037.105 REV I (Proposed basement plan)

ASP.15.037.201 REV E (Proposed elevations)

ASP.15.037.203 Rev D (Proposed car park section and retaining wall elevation)


Received 11.01.2016

ASP.15.037.202 REV E (Proposed streetscene)

ASP.15.037.104 REV E (Proposed roof plan and sections)


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the local Planning Authority.


3.         No superstructure works shall take place until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]


4.         The development hereby permitted shall not be begun until details showing the finished floor level of the building hereby approved, and surrounding external hard landscaped surfaces, in relation to a fixed datum point have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

REASON: In the interests of the character of the area.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, Core Strategy DPD CS7]


5.         Prior to the commencement of development the tree protection fencing shall be erected in accordance with the details contained upon approved plan 1325-BT9 received 11.07.2016 and remain for the period of construction.  The proposal shall be carried out in accordance with approved method statement details and the submitted Arboricultural Impact Appraisal and method statement (ref. Barrell 11.07.2016).

REASON: In the interest of protecting the trees subject to the TPO and shown to be retained on the site.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN1, Core Strategy DPD CS1, CS7)


6.         The development shall not be begun until a Sustainability Statement covering water efficiency aimed at achieving an average water use in new dwellings of 110 litres/person/day, has been submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the Sustainability Statement, as approved, and retained as such thereafter.

REASON: In the interests of sustainability and the efficient use of resources.

[Relevant Policy: Core Strategy DPD CS10]


7.         The development shall not be begun until an Energy Demand Assessment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  This shall demonstrate:


(a)  that before taking account of any on-site renewable energy production the proposed development will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by at least 10% against the appropriate Target Emission Rate as set out in Part L of the Building Regulations (2006), and

(b)  that a proportion of the development’s energy requirements will be provided from on-site renewable energy production (which proportion shall be at least 20%).


The buildings thereafter constructed by the carrying out of the development shall be in accordance with the approved assessment and retained in accordance


REASON: In the interests of the sustainability and the efficient use of resources.

[Relevant Plans and Policies: CSDPD Policy CS12]


8.       The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until a scheme to enhance the bio-diversity and ecology within the site has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of the development.

REASON: In the interest of biodiversity.

[Relevant Plans and Policies: CSDPD Policy CS1, BFLP Policy EN1]


9.      The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until comprehensive

details of both hard and soft landscaping works have been submitted to and

approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  These details shall include: -

Comprehensive planting plans of an appropriate scale and level of detail that provides adequate clarity including details of ground preparation and all other operations associated with plant and grass establishment, full schedules of plants, noting species, and detailed plant sizes/root stock specifications, planting layout, proposed numbers/densities locations.

a)    Details of semi mature tree planting.

b)    Comprehensive 5 year post planting maintenance schedule.

c)    Means of enclosure (walls and fences etc)

d)    Paving including pedestrian open spaces, paths, patios, proposed materials.

e)    Other landscape features (water features, seating, trellis and pergolas etc).


All planting comprised in the soft landscaping works shall be carried out and completed in full accordance with the approved scheme, in the nearest planting season (1st October to 31st March inclusive) to the completion of the development or prior to the occupation of any part of the approved development, whichever is sooner. All hard landscaping works shall be carried and completed prior to the occupation of any part of the approved development. All trees and other plants included within the approved details shall be healthy, well formed specimens of a minimum quality that is compatible with British Standard 3936:1992 (Part 1) ‘Specifications For Trees & Shrubs’ and British Standard 4043 (where applicable) or any subsequent revision.  Any trees or other plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development, die, are removed, uprooted, are significantly damaged, become diseased or deformed,

shall be replaced during the nearest planting season (1st October to 31st March inclusive) with others of the same size, species and quality as approved.


REASON: - In the interests of good landscape design and the visual amenity of the area.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN2 and EN20, CSDPD CS7]


10.       The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until signage to be installed on the access ramp to the basement parking, and directional signage, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The signage shall be installed in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development and thereafter retained. 

REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

[Relevant Plans and Policies: CS23 of the CSDPD].


11.       No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until the sustainable drainage scheme for the site has been completed in accordance with the approved Drainage Strategy prepared by Rushby Brewster, Rev A, dated 18.01.16 and drawing RRL013500/P2 received 27th May 2016. Thereafter the on-going maintenance and operation of the approved sustainable drainage scheme following construction shall be in accordance with section 3.2 of the aforementioned report.

REASON: To ensure that the site is properly drained and does not increase the risk of flooding

[Relevant Plans and Policies: CSDPD CS1]


12.       The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until a means of vehicular access has been constructed in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The details should include, details of the proposed ramp, and signage to control vehicle priority.

REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy DPD CS23]


13.       The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until a means of access for pedestrians has been constructed in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

            REASON: In the interests of accessibility and to facilitate access by pedestrians.

            [Relevant Policies: BFBLP M6, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


14.       The development herby approved shall not be occupied until all the visibility splays shown on the approved drawing ASAP.15.037.002 rev K) have been provided.  These areas shall thereafter be kept free of all obstructions to visibility over a height of 0.6 metres measured from the surface of the adjacent carriageway and thereafter retained as such.

REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

[Relevant Policies: Core Strategy DPD CS23]


15.       Notwithstanding the approved plans, the development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the associated vehicle parking and turning space has been surfaced and marked out in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include allocation of spaces for each type of user (resident, visitor or commercial). The spaces shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than parking and turning.

REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate car parking to prevent the likelihood of on-street car parking which would be a danger to other road users.

[Relevant Policies:  BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


16.       The approved development shall not be occupied until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for covered and secure cycle parking facilities.   The building shall not be occupied until the approved scheme has been implemented.  The facilities shall be retained.

REASON: In the interests of accessibility of the development to cyclists.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


17.       No gates, chains, bollards or other forms of barriers shall be provided across the vehicular accesses to the site. 

REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

[Relevant Policy: Core Strategy DPD CS23]


18.       The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by theLocal Planning Authority for off site highway works including the following:

- Relocation of phonebox

- Access works

The development shall not be occupied/open for trade until the off site highway works have been completed in accordance with the approved scheme.

REASON: In the interests of highway safety.

[Relevant Policy: BFBLP M4]


19.       The organisation of the site during construction shall be carried out in accordance with the Construction Method Statement dated 26.01.2016 prepared by the Hackwood Group.

REASON: In the interest of the amenities of neighbouring residents and the interest of highway safety.

[Relevant Policy: BFBLP M4, EN20, CSDPD CS23]



Should the applicant fail to complete the required Section 106 agreement by 30.9.2016 the Head of Planning be authorised to extend this period or refuse the application for the following reasons:


01.       The occupants of the development would put extra pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and the proposal would not satisfactorily mitigate its impacts in this respect.  In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable avoidance and mitigation measures and access management monitoring arrangements, in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, the proposal would be contrary to Policy NRM6 of the South East Plan, Policy EN3 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policy CS14 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (2012).


02.       The applicant has failed to provide affordable housing in accordance with Policy CS17 of the CSDPD.


03.       The applicant has failed to provide an adequate and safe parking layout for the unrestricted C3 Residential Use and this could lead to vehicles parking on the highways to the detriment of road safety. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Local Plan Policy M9 and Core Strategy Policy CS23 and the NPPF.



Supporting documents: