Agenda item

Prevent Report Update


Kellie Williams presented the report on the Bracknell Forest Prevent Strategy and Action Plan.


A statutory duty had been introduced to implement the Prevent programme, and this had resulted in Bracknell Forest Council developing a prevent strategy and action plan which was reviewed in 2014 and has recently been further reviewed by the Prevent Steering Group. The majority of the three year action plan work had been completed, and a new Strategy and Action Plan was now required for 2016-19.


As a result of the last action plan, there had been nine months focussed on training, with schools and social care agencies all holding training events for staff. However, there was only one member of staff in the Community Safety Team who conducted training sessions and so this had resulted in a challenge of capacity. As this was unsustainable, partner agencies were asked to assess the level of training their organisations may need. For some agencies, online training could be produced whereas for others, the full WRAP training would be required. The LSCB Training and Professional Development Sub Group will review the support it can offer in promoting and co-ordinating the training available, including initiatives to increase the availability of trainers.


Kellie reported that there had been a challenge to get sufficient community engagement with the programme. Due to Bracknell Forest’s demographic, the primary terrorism threat was from far right extremism rather than Islamic extremism. This needed to be communicated, as the Community Safety Team had experienced a lack of understanding from the public. The Community Safety Team had been working with Bracknell Islamic Cultural Society in order to understand their perception of the Prevent agenda and to reassure them of the safety of the programme. The Community Safety Team had not yet been in touch with any far right groups as it was thought they would be less likely to embrace the agenda.


The Government have proposed that the responsibility for the Channel Panel be moved from the Counter Terrorism Police to the Local Authority, and pilot schemes of this arrangement would begin in September in Kent and B+H. Kellie expressed a concern that as Bracknell Forest had not had a Channel Panel case in 4 years, practitioners would be inexperienced in doing assessments and may be less effective than specialist police officers currently working in counter terrorism


The model of a regional forum, similar to that adopted in respect of CSE would be explored with the aim of facilitating learning from neighbouring LSCB’s areas. (Action: Jonathan Picken/ Kellie Williams) 


Comments and amendments to the Strategy and Action Plan were requested from partners. Arising from discussion, the following points were noted:

  • It was suggested that a complaints process be established, as this had caused issues in other local authorities. (Action: Kellie Williams)
  • It was suggested that the percentage of referrals which were valid (55%) be made public, as this may change public perception. There could also be more of a focus on the positive anti-Hate Crime messages in publications, including work such as SACRE’s work on commonality between religions and work with schools on kindness and British values.
  • West Berkshire Council had developed a DVD resource to tie in with the Prevent agenda, and Kellie was involved in this.


The LSCB were requested to provide any further comments on the Prevent Strategy and Action Plan to Kellie by 22/7/16 (Action: All).