Agenda item

FGM Task and Finish Group Report


Mairead Panetta , Head of Safeguarding attended the meeting to present the report on the progress of the Bracknell Forest FGM Task and Finish Group and present their draft FGM Strategy and Action Plan which was nearly completed. This work followed on from work led by the CCG in East Berkshire on developing the referral pathway.


There had been good representation at the meetings, and no further meetings of the group were required. It was understood that FGM was not currently a significant issue for Bracknell Forest, as Public Health estimates suggest a prevalence amounting to approximately  2 cases  of FGM within the borough. The Board noted that to date there had been  2 referrals of pregnant women. However, work to raise awareness was important and had been ongoing with a referral pathway having been developed to respond,.. Online training is available, and the LSCB’s inter-agency training highlights this issue and is addressed in both Adult and Children’s Safeguarding training within Bracknell Forest Council.


Mairead reported that Social Care work with faith groups over the summer would include training on FGM. Phil Cook requested for Involve to be included in this work. (Action: Mairead Panetta/Phil Cook)


The Board proposed that a report should come back to the Board in a year to review progress and any changes to practice.  (Action: Jonathan Picken to add to forward plan)


Arising from members’ questions, the following points were noted:

  • The Board were glad to note that the UN had recognised FGM as child abuse.
  • The FGM work would be under the remit of the Domestic Abuse Executive- a sub group of the Community Safety Partnership.
  • Keith Grainger reported that for FGM, the safeguarding process was different than that in relation to other safeguarding practice .The duty was on the individual member of staff to report a concern of FGM rather than to report to the safeguarding lead in their organisation.
  • National guidance was available for the referral pathways for adults and children subject to FGM, but it was agreed that this pathway needed to be clarified for non-professionals in Bracknell Forest. (Action: Mairead Panetta)
  • It was suggested that partner agencies needed to be advised of the social and emotional symptoms of FGM as the physical symptoms were unlikely to be seen by a non-health professional. It was suggested that the national risk assessment tool could be used.
  • An amendment was requested regarding the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) referral pathway in to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in order to clarify the different pathways for children and pregnant mothers. In addition clarification was proposed to ensure TVP were able to fulfil their statutory duties and comply with local force orders and to make explicit that a referral to the MASH equated to a referral to the police. It was also suggested that a link to the national tool be added to the flowchart. (Action: Mairead Panetta)
  • Christine McInnes agreed to get an update from Debbie Smith on the schools guidance/provision for FGM. (Action: Christine McInnes)


The Task and Finish group and Mairead Panetta were congratulated on the work achieved. The FGM strategy would now be overseen by the Domestic Abuse Executive and would report into the LSCB annually.