Agenda item

PS Application 16/00215/FUL - 30 Munnings Drive, College Town, Sandhurst, GU47 0FN

Erection of two storey side extension.


Erection of two storey side extension.


A site visit had been held on Saturday 21 May 2016 which had been attended by Councillors Angell, Mrs Angell, Brossard, Dudley, Ms Gaw, Mrs Hayes, Hill, Mrs Ingham, Mrs Mattick, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs McKenzie-Boyle, Thompson and Turrell.


The Committee noted:


·         The supplementary report of the Head of Planning tabled at the meeting.

·         The objection of Sandhurst Town Council to the proposal on the grounds that it would result in an adverse impact on the amenities of the neighbouring properties through being overbearing.

·         18 objections received from the residents of neighbouring properties, as summarised in the agenda papers and supplementary report.


The criteria for public speaking had been met in respect of this application and the Committee was addressed by the registered speaker Mrs Terri Bonnici on behalf of local residents and Mrs Shelagh Spurway Ash, the applicant.


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


01.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.                   


02.    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority:


DWG – SSAJ5 R4 ‘Floor and Roof Plans’ received on 7 March 2016

DWG - SSAJ9 R4 ‘Proposed Elevations’ received on 7 March 2016

DWG – SSAJ17 R1 ‘Proposed Site/Block Views’ received on 4 April 2016

DWG – SSAJ18 R1 ‘OS Map Dimensions’ received on 4 April 2016

DWG – SSAJ20A R1 ‘Part Roof Plan & Sections 1 of 2’ received on 16 May 2016

DWG – SSAJ20A R1 ‘Part Roof Plan & Sections 1 of 2’ received on 16 May 2016


03.    The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall be of similar appearance to those of the existing dwelling.         


04.    Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification), no windows at first floor level or above shall be installed on the west- or northwest-facing elevation of the development hereby permitted.


05.    The 2no. windows the first floor of the west-facing side elevation of the development hereby permitted shall not be glazed at any time other than with a minimum of Pilkington Level 3 obscure glass (or equivalent). It shall at all times be fixed with the exception of a top hung openable fanlight. Any replacement window shall be glazed and fixed to this standard, and retained as such.


06.    The hedging sited along the northeastern boundary with the highway of Munnings Drive as identified on drawing DWG – SSAJ17 R1 ‘Proposed Site/Block Views’ received on 4 April 2016 shall be retained in the location shown.  Any replacement hedging shall be sited in the location shown, and retained as such.


Councillor Mrs McKenzie, having declared an Affected Interest in the item, withdrew from the meeting and took no part in the consideration of it.

Supporting documents: