Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements

Including a presentation of a cheque to the Mayor’s Charity, Make-A-Wish UK.


Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housing


Councillor Birch was pleased to report that recent analysis had shown a drop in the number of falls since the Solutions4Health service had been implemented. The service measured how people susceptible to falls moved in order to anticipate recurrences. The Council passed on their thanks and best wishes to the team for their endeavours.


He stated that Bracknell Forest had the highest rate of smoking cessation with a 78% success rate. He congratulated the Health team for this positive measure.


Councillor Birch asked the Members present to join him in thanking John Nawrockyi for his help and guidance over the past 16 months as Director of Adult Social Care, Health and Housing while he contributed to maintaining high standards across his service and wished him well in the future.


Executive Member for Planning and Transport


Councillor Turrell was proud to report that the traffic lights at the Coral Reef junction had been switched on earlier than expected following months of considerable  work on the carriageways to convert the roundabout to a junction. He thanked Nick Rose, Transport Engineering Manager and Nick Goddard from Ringways for their commitment to this project. The new infrastructure supported the borough now and for the future with the development of the town centre.


He advised the meeting that the borough’s first Neighbourhood Plan had come into effect in Binfield. He was pleased to see local policies put forward by local residents.


Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning


Councillor Dr Barnard reflected on the recent Primary School production ‘Along Came Man’. He paid tribute to all those involved including the pupils, teachers and helpers as he considered it had been an amazing showcase of talent.


Executive Member for the Environment


Councillor Mrs Hayes told the meeting that she had persuaded a local store in Warfield to provide a new laptop to Winkfield St. Marys Church of England, Whitegrove and Sandy Lane Primary Schools.


Executive Member for Culture, Corporate Services and Public Protection


Councillor McCracken was pleased to advise the meeting that the Look Out was celebrating its 25th birthday this year, having been opened by the Queen in 1991 and had continued to achieve Customer Service Excellence Award standards.


He reported that Easthampstead Park Conference Centre had opened an outside weddings ceremony venue.


He added that the Binfield Library staff had been recognised by Binfield Parish Council and been awarded a Community Excellence Award.


Councillor McCracken was happy to announce that £4,444 had been raised through the Cemetery and Crematorium’s metal recycling programme and had been donated to the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service.


He concluded that there were still spaces available for the upcoming Bracknell Half Marathon being held on 8th May 2016.


Councillor Leake


Councillor Leake updated the Members present on the background to the Binfield Neighbourhood Plan explaining that it was two years in gestation. He thanked the officers who had supported its development. On behalf of Binfield Parish Council he thanked the residents, developers and businesses who made contributions to the plan. He noted that the plan had started with the support of the Members Initiative Fund by himself and Councillor Harrison but that it was Councillor Peacey who had taken the lead more recently. He was proud of the turnout at the recent referendum which supported its implementation.


Mayor’s Charity


The Mayor welcomed Sarah Shearman from the Mayor’s Charity Make-A-Wish UK to the meeting to receive a cheque for £14,270.72 which had been raised to date on their behalf. Sarah thanked everyone for their fantastic support over the previous ten months. She reported that the money raised would go towards helping grant wishes for children, their families to give them positive memories. She stated that the monies raised would be directed towards granting the wish of a local child. The charity hoped to grant 1,350 wishes each year and this particular child wanted to swim with dolphins.

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