Agenda item

Minutes and Matters Arising


The minutes of the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) meeting held on 29 January 2016 were approved as a correct record.


Matters arising

  • The outcomes of the Emergency Duty Team’s review of Appropriate Adult function would be brought to the next meeting.
  • Work was ongoing with the LSCB Learning and Improvement Sub-group around GP engagement in Child Protection conferences. It was agreed that Children’s Social Care needed to highlight the conferences which GPs should attend to the Conference and Review Team. Teleconference facilities were discussed as a consideration.  (Action: Katie Caird/Heather Brown)
  • The Care Quality Commission’s inspection of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT) had not yet been finalised, but had resulted in a rating of ‘Good’. It was agreed that the report and the trust’s response should be taken to the next LISG meeting following publication. (Action: Nancy Barber)
  • The National Probation Service inspection report had not yet been released. It was noted that this report would not give a rating, but would give suggestions as to areas of improvement. A peer review of these services had also been undertaken. It was agreed that the report and the results of the peer review should be brought to the Learning and Improvement Sub-group. (Action: John Ennis)
  • A briefing on the Health and Wellbeing Board’s work and transformation bid to improve the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in the area would be brought to the next meeting. (Action: Janette Karklins)
  • Jean Ash from Reading Borough Council’s Childrens Social Care team attended the last Pan Berkshire Section 11 Sub-group and would now be joining the group. Jean would be undertaking the Children Social Care representation for all 6 LSCBs.
  • Representation from The Family Justice Board had been raised at the Pan Berkshire Chairs Group, and it had been agreed that they would attend their meeting on an annual basis.
  • A regional, sector-led peer review would be a helpful challenge to the Bracknell LSCB. It was hoped that a peer review could be arranged within the first half of 2016.
  • There was a specific project within the council’s transformation projects looking at families with mental health needs and substance misuse. It was noted that although this was part of the council’s transformation plan, it involved other partners. The project was being led by Karen Frost and David Watkins The briefing note and scoping document would be requested at the next meeting. (Action: Alison Burnell)
  • Concerns around those children identified as being at risk of CSE and use of Child Protection plans was subject to a Task and Finish group.
  •  The Child Protection Conference participation template would be circulated for comment to John Ennis, Debbie Hartrick and Eugene Jones. (Action: Heather Brown)
  • The training needs and learning of those attending child protection conferences and core groups was informing the redrafting of the new strategy. It was noted that the new training strategy would focus specifically on Bracknell Forest. (Action: Emma Anderton)
  • The PACT version of the PICADA programme had been too expensive to consider as an alternative, but PACT had agreed to work with the Community Safety Team to find solutions for the deficit of provision.
  • The MODUS computer system was raised as an issue that had been identified by a range of services across the Thames Valley. It was noted that plans for change were coming, however it would be appropriate for Kellie and Alex to raise this through the Berkshire Domestic Abuse Co-ordinators and the Independent Chairs for a resolution and clarity on who this issue should be escalated to. (Action: Kellie Williams/Alex Walters)
  • The work around supporting school staff in dealing with disclosures of domestic violence had not progressed, and had been moved to the next Domestic Abuse Executive meeting. (Action: Kellie Williams)
  • Jon Goosey was undertaking the final evaluations of domestic abuse interventions with Cambridge University. The report would be available at the end of November/December. (Action: Jon Goosey)
  • The full report on domestic abuse would be brought to the July 2016 meeting. (Action: Kellie Williams)
  • Training around the multi-agency review of a MAPPA case in West Mercia had gone ahead, with 7 attendees. The results of the training and review would go to the LISG meeting in April. (Action: John Ennis)
  • A report on a potentially vulnerable group of children educated at home (EHE) would be brought to the next meeting of the LSCB. (Action: Christine McInnes)
  • A bid to Thames Valley Police for additional financial contribution to the LSCB budget for the co-ordination of strategic work and the CSE audit and campaigns had been successful, and £6000 had been agreed.
  • It was requested that brief information on single agency training undertaken in health and police be sent to Alison to include in the performance report. (Action: Debbie Hartrick/Dave Gilbert/Nancy Barber/Alison Burnell)
  • In response to the Chairs further challenge, it was agreed that although the CCG financing of the LSCB for the next financial year was still being finalised, this would be brought the next meeting. (Action: Debbie Hartrick)
  • It was agreed that the Berkshire Health Foundation Trust and Frimley Health Foundation Trust Annual Reports would be brought to the November Board meeting. The S11 from GPs would also be brought to the S11 Subgroup. (Action: Debbie Hartrick/Francine Franks)
  • The bruising protocol had been completed and had been uploaded to the Bracknell Forest Council website. Some copies of the protocol would be printed and made available on request.
  • The Child C SCR had been published on the website and had been sent for inclusion on the NSPCC repository. The LSCB Communications and Community Engagement Sub-group would meet for the first time on 23 March 2016. An update on progress would be brought to the next meeting. (Action: Peter Floyd)
  • The new Joint Targeted Area Inspections (JTAI) had been undertaken in South Tyneside and Oxfordshire. It was expected that there would be a multi-agency audit process undertaken as part of the process. The audit template would be located for information and consideration  by the Learning and Improvement Subgroup. (Action: Debbie Hartrick/Alex Walters)
  • Frimley Health Foundation Trust and Wexham Park Hospital had received a ‘Good’ rating in their latest inspection report. There had been no safeguarding issues raised, but the report would go to the April Learning and Improvement Sub-group for information. (Action: Francine Franks)