Agenda item

Training Update and Proposal for 2016-2017


Emma Anderton presented a report providing an overview of the LSCB Safeguarding Training provided by the Learning and Development Team at Bracknell Forest Council.  The report also contained a series of proposals outlining the future development of the training provision.


It was reported that during 2015-16, 208 delegates had attended the universal multi-agency Introduction to Safeguarding course, 212 delegates had attended multi-agency targeted training courses and 11 delegates had attended specialist level training courses.


Multi-agency safeguarding training in Bracknell Forest was currently overseen by the East Berkshire Training Strategic Sub-group however the Sub-group was experiencing a number of challenges which was making it difficult to develop a cohesive approach across the east Berkshire region.  A review had proposed a number of potential options to assure both the LSCB and individual agencies that appropriate universal safeguarding training was being provided.  Arising from the subsequent discussion the following points were noted:


·         Withdrawing from the East Berkshire Sub-group and setting up a Bracknell Forest Learning and Development Group would enable the LSCB to add value locally and reduce some of the pressures on the training provision

·         It was acknowledged that the creation of an additional group would place pressure on agencies that were not co-terminus with Bracknell Forest and consideration had been given to alternative ways that partners could be involved in meetings for example holding meetings virtually.

·         If Bracknell Forest courses were not filled then spare places would be offered to practitioners in other areas

·         It had been acknowledged that venue cost absorbed a significant amount of the training budget and the possibility of using alternative cheaper venues was being explored.

·         Even with the proposed price increases the cost of multi-agency safeguarding training still represented very good value for money when compared to that offered elsewhere.

·         Charges would still be levied if delegates either cancelled or failed to attend training.

·         There would be no subsidies available for voluntary and community groups however a mechanism would be put in place to consider reduced prices in exceptional circumstances.  Involve was also able to deliver adult and child safeguarding training.

·         It was agreed that Emma Anderton would join the Learning and Improvement Sub-group

·         The sector breakdown showed partner agency attendance only at multi-agency training sessions and did not therefore reflect the actual training provided.  To assist accurate reporting commentaries on the safeguarding training provided by health providers and the police would be provided to Alison Burnell for inclusion in the LSCB Performance Reports. (Action: Debbie Hartrick/Dave Gilbert/Alison Burnell)


The LSCB agreed the following recommendations:


              i.        Bracknell LSCB to withdraw from the East Berkshire Training arrangements and run a stand alone Bracknell Forest Learning and Development Group

             ii.        The proposed increases to training charges for delegates set out in appendix D of the report be approved

            iii.        A half day targeted multi-agency targeted refresher course is introduced

           iv.        A reduced number of safeguarding courses are advertised on the LSCB website.  Additional courses are to be commissioned throughout the year depending on demand

            v.        Course resources are to be provided electronically rather than in hard copy

           vi.        To better reflect the real cost of delivering the training, the cost of work requests for safeguarding training is to be increased