Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising


The minutes of the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) meeting held on 13 November 2015 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


·         The outcomes of the Emergency Duty Team’s review of the Appropriate Adult function would be brought to the LSCB’s next meeting.

·         GP engagement in Child Protection Conferences had been discussed by the LSCB Learning and Improvement Sub-group and this would be followed up. (Action: Alex Walters/Debbie Hartrick)

·         The Care Quality Commission’s inspection of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT) had been completed.  A draft report was expected by the end of February however initial feedback indicated that no significant safeguarding concerns relating to children had been identified.  The  report would be taken to a future meeting of the Learning and Improvement Sub-group.  (Action: Nancy Barber/Eugene Jones)

·         A Peer Review report looking at the Care Leavers Service would be circulated to the LSCB with the minutes. (Action: Lorna Hunt)

·         A Berkshire East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) exercise to map its funding of LSCBs against that of neighbouring CCG’s had found that on a per capita basis funding in Bracknell Forest was commensurate with neighbouring areas but the LSCB has to date received no formal communication on the matter.

·         The outcomes of recent national Probation Service inspections would be reported to the Learning and Improvement Sub-group in February. (Action: John Ennis)

·         A positive expression of interest had been received from a potential second lay member and work was underway to develop an appropriate recruitment process.

·         A briefing on the Health and Wellbeing Being Board’s work and transformation bid to improve the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in the area would be brought to a future meeting. (Action: Janette Karklins)

·         A Sub-group of the Children and Young People’s Partnership and the Health and Wellbeing Board had developed a draft Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  This was currently out for consultation and a copy would be circulated to the LSCB for information and comment.  (Action: Christine McInnes)

·         Children’s Social Care representation at the Pan Berkshire Section 11 Sub-group had been raised with the Berkshire Directors of Children Social care by Janette Karklins local authorities but to date there had been no response.  This would be followed up. (Action: Alex Walters)

·         The Chair had raised concerns with the Slough LSCB Chair and it had been confirmed that Sandra Davies would, as part of her new role at Slough Borough Council, assume responsibility for chairing the pan Berkshire Policy and Procedures Sub-group

·         An update on the Communication and Community Engagement Sub-group was given by Peter Floyd and Jonathan Picken

·         The issue of developing links with the Family Justice Board had been raised by LSCB and Lorna Hunt had raised with the Family Justice Board Pan Berkshire Chair who would now produce briefings for the LSCBs. Alex Walters stated that she would ask other LSCB Chairs if they would agree to the Family Justice Board Chair attending the Pan-Berkshire Chairs meeting on an annual basis.

·         In relation to the LSCB Peer Review, the Director of Children, Young People and Learning informed the LSCB that it was unclear whether the topical Peer Challenge process would continue beyond March.  Possible alternative options would be explored for example an LGA Peer Review or asking the LSCB of another area to undertake a peer challenge.  (Action: Alex Walters)