Agenda item

Executive Report

To receive the Leader’s report on the work of the Executive since the Council meeting held on 25 November 2015.


Council is asked to resolve recommendations in respect of:

·         the revised Local Council Tax Benefit Scheme

·         Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) Capital Spending (External Funding)

·         virements in the Capital budget

·         virements in the Revenue budget


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bettison, presented his report on the work of the Executive since that reported at the Council meeting on 25 November 2015. The Executive had met once on 15 December 2015.


The Leader highlighted the following matters that had been considered:


·         Draft Homelessness Strategy:

·         There had been an unfortunate increase in homelessness in recent years and the Council was making a positive response to avoid the disruptive and expensive use of bed and breakfast accommodation by setting up Downshire Homes which had purchased Tenterden Lodge.

·         The new draft strategy set out four priorities:

o   good quality advice and prevention services

o   work in partnership to avoid duplication and maximise expertise

o   meet need for emergency accommodation

o   maximise access to housing


·         The proposed changes to the Local Council Tax Benefit Scheme would affect working age households only by changing the following:

·         maximum discount for working age households reduced to 80%

·         child maintenance payments would be taken into account when calculating income

·         self-employed were assumed to earn at least national living wage after 12 months

·         income disregards for working people increased by £5 per week

·         hardship fund increased to £20k


·           There was a need to enhance Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) already agreed to avoid restrictions on occupation and/or jeopardise five year land supply. It was noted that all SANGS were funded by S106 contributions so there was no cost to Council.  Five schemes at cost of £95k:

·         refurbishment of bridge at Anneforde Place

·         pedestrian entrance to Englemere Pond

·         reed beds and scrub improvement, Englemere Pond

·         pond restoration at Shepherds Meadows

·         car park improvements Horseshoe Lake


·           Revenue Budget 2016/17

·         Draft proposals for consultation were based upon the new Council Plan and Government indications of likely reduction in grant of up to 40%.

·         £2.3m spending was responding to demographic and legislative pressures and initial savings of over £4m had been identified.

·         The Transformation Board was working to identify additional savings of around £2m in 2016/17.

·         Draft settlement published on 17 December showed 80% reduction in revenue support grant and additional proposals would be considered at the next Executive meeting.


·           Capital Programme 2016/17 – 2018/19

·         Proposed programme for 2016/17 – 2018/19 approved for consultation

·         Major investment in future of Borough including:

o   Bracknell town centre infrastructure

o   Binfield Learning Village

o   Coral Reef [subject to affordability]

o   additional chapel at Cemetery & Crematorium


The agenda report contained recommendations that the Council was asked to resolve in respect of the following matters:

·         the revised Local Council Tax Benefit Scheme

·         Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) Capital Spending (External Funding)

·         virements in the Capital budget

·         virements in the Revenue budget


Local Council Tax Benefit Scheme


On the proposition of Councillor Birch, Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Health and Housing, seconded by Councillor Heydon it was




i)              the revised Local Council Tax Benefit Scheme be approved and adopted.



Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) Capital Spending (External Funding)


On the proposition of Councillor McCracken, Executive Member for Culture, Corporate Services and Public Protection, seconded by Councillor Turrell it was




ii)             the spending of a further £95,000 of developer contributions on SANGS for this financial year be approved.



Capital Budget 2016/17


On the proposition of Councillor Dr Barnard, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning, seconded by Councillor Heydon it was




iii)            virements totalling £0.481million to the 2015/16 Children, Young People and Learning Programme, as set out in Annex G of the Borough Treasurer’s report, in order to meet the demands of the School Places Plan be approved;


iv)           £0.05million in the 2015/16 unallocated Basic Need Grant be approved to be used at Ascot Heath Schools as described in paragraph 5.35 of the Borough Treasurer’s report.



Revenue Budget 2016/17


On the proposition of Councillor McCracken, Executive Member for Culture, Corporate Services and Public Protection, seconded by Councillor Heydon it was




v)            virements over £0.100million relating to the 2015/16 budget as set out in Annex F and G of the Borough Treasurer’s report be approved.

Supporting documents: