Agenda item

Early Intervention Hub Annual Report


Debbie Greatrex presented the Early Intervention Hub Annual Report 2014/15.  The Early Intervention Hub’s development had been a key outcome of an internal review of the CAF and had been set up to provide a streamlined process for managing the outcomes of CAF assessments and provide a mechanism for multi-agency working to support children and young people.  The Annual Report covered the second full year of the Hub’s operation and included an overview of progress made during 2014/15, a breakdown of data relating to the Early Intervention Hub and the Step Up Step Down process, summary of outcomes and priority actions for 2015/16.


Engagement of practitioners at the Hub has been high.  The ongoing attendance of the community paediatrician had been secured and the attendance of health visitors has increased over the course of the year.  The Youth Service was now represented at the Hub and this has broadened the scope of resources that were considered for older children.


During the period covered by the report 352 children and young people were discussed at the Hub.  The main reason for a referral being made to the Hub was parental capacity. Out of the 352 cases considered by the Hub the child had experienced an element of domestic abuse in 72 cases and 38 cases related to a child or young person with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


Arising from the LSCB’s questions and comments the following points were noted:


·         The disparity between the number of cases stepped down in quarter 4 (64 cases) and quarter 3 (12 cases) and the fact that more cases had been stepped down in quarter 4 down than in the whole of 2013/14 was attributed to the number of single assessments that had been carried out and the number of families with high numbers of children.  This would be explored in further detail and the LSCB appraised of the learning. (Action: Debbie Greatrex/Misread Panetta)

·         The Board was informed that Children’s Social care was not yet clear what the interface between the Hub and the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) would look like, but it was considered likely that Debbie Greatrex would be involved in the MASH to enable information sharing to take place. 

·         It was noted that data relating to the length of time that had elapsed between a case being discussed at the Hub and support arrangements being put in place was not routinely collected.  However, where it was known that a service had a waiting list then the Hub worked with the Family Intervention Team to put interim support arrangements in place where this was necessary.  It was suggested that this might be an area that should be considered as part of a future service audit that the LSCB might wish to monitor

·         Whilst the Hub has worked on Step Down cases with substance misuse issues it has not received any CAF referrals directly from the New Hope Centre.   The importance of all staff being aware of their role in ensuring early help was reiterated and that colleagues within substance misuse services should be reminded of the agreed early help strategy and their part in communicating the needs of the families they worked with.  (Action: Abigail Simmonds)

·         A number of the nine cases that had been escalated to Children’s Social Care had been Stepped Up following the disclosure of additional information to Children’s Social Care.

·         The Hub was receiving an increasing number requests for support in home as well as in schools

·         Despite additional CCG funding, it had been a struggle to recruit additional staff to the Children’s Mental Health Service.  The provision of interim targeted support for families on the Service’s waiting list was a priority for the CCG and BFHT and it was hoped that this might be commissioned through the Berkshire Autistic Service.

·         The CCG’s strategic direction in relation to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) mirrored the direction set out in the Department of Health’s Future in Mind report with work being focused on providing support at an early stage. It was agreed that a full update report would be brought to a future meeting. (Action: Sarah Bellars)

·         It was clarified that where assessments had already been undertaken (e.g. by organisations which were not child facing) these should be submitted for consideration using the multi-agency referral forms. 

·         Further inter-agency auditing activity was being undertaken in 2015/16 to focus on effectiveness of early help arrangements and the process of cases being stepped down from Children’s Social Care and this would be initially reported to the Learning and Improvement Sub-group.


The LSCB noted the evidence that the CAF and Early Intervention Hub were increasingly embedded and that the processes worked well and thanked Debbie Greatrex for her update.