Agenda item

PS Application No 14/01201/FUL - Land West Of Old Wokingham Road, Old Wokingham Road, Wokingham

Proposed erection of 116 dwellings with associated access, highways works, drainage works (SUDS), open space and landscaping, including provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG). (Duplicate application submitted to neighbouring authority).


Proposed erection of 116 dwellings with associated access, highways works, drainage works (SUDS), open space and landscaping, including provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG). (Duplicate application submitted to neighbouring authority).


The vast majority of this site was within Wokingham Borough Council (WBC), including all the proposed buildings.  The Old Wokingham Road access and a narrow strip of land within the site approximately 2-3 metres wide, including a ditch adjacent to Old Wokingham Road, was within Bracknell Forest.  WBC's Planning Committee had considered a duplicate application on 16th September 2015 and had resolved that the Head of Development Management be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Legal Agreement.


The Committee noted:

·         The supplementary report of the Head of Planning tabled at the meeting.

·         Crowthorne Parish Council had recommended refusal on the following grounds:

- Overdevelopment of the area

- This development is not sustainable without major financial contributions to Bracknell Forest from Wokingham Borough to cover and enhance public transport and highways

- All links are via Bracknell Forest roads

- Additional traffic on already overcrowded roads

- Already overcapacity at road junctions

- Additional threat to air quality

- Internally to the development the roads are narrow and winding, putting residents relying on utility and safety vehicles (ie fire/police/ambulance) at risk

- There is only one access/egress to the development, once again putting residents at risk

- Residents will have to travel outside the immediate area for employment

- On the TRL development, secondary school aged children are scheduled to go to Easthampstead Park.  However, similar aged children, who will reside on this development which is in Wokingham Borough, will be allowed to go to Edgbarrow School in Bracknell Forest.  CPC strongly objects that Crowthorne students will be disadvantaged by Wokingham students 

- There is already a shortage of health care in Crowthorne, with no additional provision for a doctor's surgery

  • Wokingham Without Parish Council had objected to the proposals on the following grounds:

- That the application has been through too many amendments and should be resubmitted. (NB: the amendments to the applications have been fairly minor and have seen the number of units reduced).

- The development is unnecessary, WBC has enough housing land supply (NB: The site is allocated for housing in WBC development plan and forms an important part of WBC’s housing land supply)

- Insufficient existing infrastructure to cope with this development (NB: The development is CIL Liable and therefore will contribute to infrastructure (within WBC) in the same way as any other residential development, the development also secures the provision of a SANG)

- Development provides excessive strain on the essential greenspace between Bracknell, Crowthorne and Wokingham (NB: The SANG will partially provide this buffer. The site is allocated for housing in WBC development plan).

- Overdevelopment when considered with the cumulative impact of other developments, particularly in terms of infrastructure provision. (NB: The development is not dependent on the TRL. The suitability and deliverability of the site was considered as part of WBC’s site allocation process)

- Risk to Local Landscape Character

- Loss of Visual Amenity/visual intrusion

- Biodiversity & Ecological Risk (NB: Ecological risk and adequacy of the SANG has been considered by WBC Ecologist and Natural England and is considered acceptable)

- Surface Water Flooding Risk (NB: Drainage solution is considered satisfactory by WBC drainage consultants and the EA)

- Concerns over transport

- No collaboration between WBC and BFC

  • 12 letters of objection had received, in addition to 82 letters received by WBC. The following summarises the planning issues raised:

- Principle of development & impact to character/locality:

- Scheme considered overdevelopment of the site

- Too many units on the scheme compared to allocation of around 100

- Crowthorne has already had its fair share of development

- Crowthorne is already overdeveloped

- Cumulative impact of this development along with the TRL development, Broadmoor and others is unacceptable

- The initial allocation of this site does not accord with the duty to co-operate

- Enough development is planned for the area. This housing isn’t required

- Crowthorne doesn’t need flats

- This site acts a valued buffer to other development/settlements

- Will erode the village feel of Crowthorne

- Loss of visual amenity from Hatch Ride/Old Wokingham Road

- Housing on this site will affect the green character or character of adjacent housing/localities

- Character of development is unlikely to be satisfactory with regards some unit types and with the design of the affordable housing

- Density is too high

- Could set a precedent for out of settlement development of buildings with large plots

- Permission for an access should not be granted/access is not suitable

- Potential issues of highway safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists

- Already too much queuing and traffic pressure on Old Wokingham Road/Nine Mile Ride/Wider network and associated junctions

- There have been a number of accidents in the area already

- Vehicles regularly speed on Old Wokingham Road

- Insufficient public transport around the site

- Development will cause cumulative traffic problems

- Site is not in a sustainable location

- Poor public transport in the area

- Unacceptable traffic capacity risk based on unsound assumptions

- Insufficient parking

- Could lead to loss of privacy and overlooking

- Could lead to loss of light

- Risk of overbearing

- Could lead to additional noise and pollution/air quality issues

- Development should be better screened from other houses

- Revisions to the plan are to the detriment of Hatch Ride residents as the buffer is reduced. Buffer is still not sufficient

- Existing charities land provides leisure/walking opportunities

- Original southern buffer with rear gardens was better

- Proposals could lead to a negative impact upon ecology, particularly great crested newts, reptiles, owls and nearby SPAs and SSSIs

- Potentially Japanese knotweed in the area

- Too much loss of vegetation/mature woodland - more vegetation should be retained

- Potential impact upon trees and other vegetation

- Lack of School spaces, Doctors’ capacity etc.

- Shops and garages may not have capacity

- Potential problems with water infrastructure

- Development can’t piggyback on the back of the TRL development

- Should be more joined up thinking between Wokingham and Bracknell Council

- Some of the works are on Bracknell Forest Land and approval of works may not be with in WBCs gift

- Residents of Hatch Ride used to have direct access on to green space

- Infrastructure money may be spent away from Crowthorne

- 40% affordable housing is out of line with surrounding area

- Affordable housing should not be provided here

- On site drainage is poor/risk of flooding. Loss of trees which help with drainage is not desirable

- May impact on ground water

- Limited employment opportunities within Crowthorne, this has sustainability implications

- Lack of waste/sewerage capacity in the area

- Drainage solutions not acceptable. May increase - risk to surrounding properties including those in Hatch Ride

      - PD rights should be removed


The criteria for public speaking had been met in respect of this application and the Committee was addressed by the registered speaker Janet Rogers, who represented her objections to the proposed development, and Gemma Care representing the Agent, on behalf of the applicant.


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Obligation to secure a financial contribution towards a Toucan crossing on Old Wokingham Road and the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Head of Planning considers necessary:-


01.     The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.               


02.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority, to be specified in detail by the Head of Planning.


03.     Prior to the commencement of the development (including tree felling), full details of the location and specification of any footpaths, bridges, tree protection measures, management responsibilities (including timescales and maintenance schedules) and details of new planting within that part of the landscape buffer adjacent to Old Wokingham Road that falls within the Borough of Bracknell Forest shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Soft landscaping details shall include planting plan, specification (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment), schedules of plants, noting species, planting sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate, ground levels adjacent to trees and an implementation timetable. All landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with a timetable approved in writing by the local planning authority. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years after planting, are removed, die or become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of species, size and number as originally approved and permanently retained.


04.     No trees, shrubs or hedges shown as being retained on the details approved under condition 03 shall be felled, uprooted, wilfully damaged or destroyed, cut back in any way or removed without previous written consent of the Local Planning Authority; any trees, shrubs or hedges removed without consent or dying or being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased within 5 years from the completion of the development hereby permitted shall be replaced with trees, shrubs or hedge plants of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


05.     No development shall take place, including any works of site clearance, until a

          Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Statement shall provide for:

          i) the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors,

          ii) loading and unloading of plant and materials,

          iii) storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development,

          iv) The phasing of construction

          v) Lorry routing

          vi) types of piling rig and earth moving machinery to be utilised and measures proposed

          to mitigate the impact of construction operations

          vii) measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction,

          viii) measures to prevent the deposit of materials on the highway

          and details of wheel washing facilities


06.     No work relating to the development hereby approved, including works of demolition or preparation prior to building operations, shall take place other than between the hours of 8.00 am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00 am to 13.00pm Saturdays and at no time on Sundays or Bank or National Holidays unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


07.     Prior to the occupation of any dwelling on the site, an area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) shall be laid out in accordance with the approved SANG Management Plan and made available for use by the public.


08.     No development (other than tree felling) shall commence until a programme of archaeological evaluation in accordance with the written scheme of investigation prepared by West Sussex Archaeology and dated June 2014 (or an equivalent scheme) which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the planning authority. The archaeological evaluation results shall inform archaeological mitigation measures that may subsequently be required, which will be submitted to the Planning Authority for agreement in writing.


09.     No development (other than the construction of the access) shall take place until the access onto Old Wokingham Road has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.


10.    The development permitted by this planning permission shall be carried out in

accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) compiled by Odyssey Markides LLP, and the mitigation measures detailed within the FRA.  The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to       occupation and in accordance with the approved timing / phasing arrangements,   or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.


11.    No dwelling shall be constructed to practical completion on the site until the following highway works have been completed:

a. improvements to the Nine Mile Ride/ Old Wokingham Road junction in general accordance with the works shown on drawings (Plan Nos to be specified by Head of Planning);

b. construction of a cycle way on the west side of Old Wokingham Road between Rowan Drive and Hatch Ride in general accordance with the works shown on drawing (Plan Nos to be specified by Head of Planning);

c. improvements to the Old Wokingham Road/ Hatch Ride junction, incorporating safe provision for cyclists between the conclusion of the cycle way required under point b. and Hatch Ride in general accordance with the works shown on drawings (Plan Nos to be specified by Head of Planning);

d. the clearing and reinstating as required of the existing footway on the west side of Old Wokingham Road to its original width where it is encroached by vegetation, and the clearing of vegetation from the ditch.


In the event of a S106 Obligation not being completed by 17.11.2015 the Head of Planning be authorised to REFUSE the application on the grounds of:-


01.       The development would not make adequate provision for pedestrians and cyclists to access the services and amenities to be provided as part of the future development of the adjacent former TRL site.  In the absence of a section 106 Obligation to secure a financial contribution towards the provision of a Toucan crossing of Old Wokingham Road at an appropriate stage in the development of the former TRL site, the proposal would be contrary to Policies M4 and M6 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, and Policies CS23 and CS24 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document."

Supporting documents: