Agenda item

Application 15/00554/FUL - The Hermitage, Herschel Grange, Warfield

Section 73 Application for the variation of condition 02 of Planning Permission Ref: 620217 granted on the 29th November 1994 which allowed for the increase in the number of mobile homes from 10 to 11, to allow for an increase to 14 mobile homes.


Section 73 Application for the variation of condition 02 of Planning Permission Ref: 620217 granted on the 29th November 1994 which allowed for the increase in the number of mobile homes from 10 to 11, to allow for an increase to 14 mobile homes.


A site visit had been held on Saturday 12 September 2015 which had been attended by Councillors Angell, Mrs Angell, D Birch, Brossard, Dudley, Mrs Hayes, Hill, Mrs Ingham, Mrs McKenzie, Ms Peacey, Mrs Phillips, Thompson and Turrell.


The Committee noted:

  • Warfield Parish Council had raised an objection to the proposal on the following grounds:

- The proposal represents an undesirable overdevelopment of the site.

- Concerned at the loss of soft landscaping and amenity land which will result from any increase in number of units on the site.

- Concern that there will be insufficient land available for resident and visitor parking if the number of units on the site is increased.

- Does not believe that the plans showing parking adjacent to each home can be achieved due to the size of the plots.

  • Eight letters of representation have been received raising the following material considerations:

- The proposed increase in the number of caravans will result in cramped arrangement representative of overdevelopment

- The proposal will result in a loss of onsite amenity space

- The proposal does not demonstrate how the site will accommodate resident and visitor parking.

- The residents and visitors of The Hermitage often park within the street outside the site which impacts upon the existing residents of Herschel Grange

- Concerns that the proposed parking plan submitted with this application will never be implemented.


RESOLVED that following the completion of planning obligation(s) under Section 106of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to:-


01.     Measures to avoid and mitigate the impact of residential development upon the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA).


That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Head of Planning considers necessary:-


01.     This permission and parking areas shown on plan 14/644A-003 Rev B hereby permitted shall be completed before the expiration of 10 months from the date of this permission.          


02.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and other submitted details.                                              

          14/644A-001            - Site Location Plan Received 15.06.15    

          14/644A-003 Rev B - Proposed Site Layout Received 10.08.15           


03.     No more than 14 caravans (or mobile homes) shall be sited on the site at any one time.        


04.     The provision of 2 car parking spaces per caravan shall be implemented as approved and retained thereafter at a ratio of 2 car parking spaces per caravan in accordance with approved plan 14/644A-003 Rev B unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


In the event of the S106 agreement not being completed by 30 November 2015, the Head of Planning be authorised to refuse the application on the grounds of:


01.  The occupants of the development would put extra pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and the proposal would not satisfactorily mitigate its impacts in this respect.  In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable avoidance and mitigation measures and access management monitoring arrangements, in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, the proposal would be contrary to Policy NRM6 of the South East Plan, Policy EN3 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policy CS14 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (2012).

Supporting documents: