Agenda item

Application No 15/00331/FUL - White Cottage, Devils Highway, Crowthorne, RG45 6SR

Erection of a new 4 bedroom dwelling house following the demolition of the existing bungalow (part retrospective as bungalow has already been demolished).


Erection of a new 4 bedroom dwelling house following the demolition of the existing bungalow (part retrospective as bungalow has already been demolished)


A site visit had been held on Saturday 11 July which had been attended by Councillors Angell, Brossard, Dudley, Finnie, Hill, Mrs Ingham, Mrs Mattick, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs McKenzie-Boyle, Ms Peacey, Mrs Phillips, Thompson and Turrell.


The Committee noted:


  • The supplementary report of the Head of Planning tabled at the meeting.
  • Crowthorne Parish Council had recommended approval of the application.
  • 2 letters of objection had been received raising the following:

- New dwelling imposing and eyesore

- Out of character with surrounding area and other properties

- New build has destroyed views of woodland from garden of 3 Brookers Corner

- Overlooking

- Overbearing due to size compared to that of former bungalow

- Noise due to construction work including early mornings and weekends

- Is an investment and property will be sold on after built

- Build not approved by LPA but has not delayed construction

- Works are retrospective

- The applicant has undertaken retrospective works on a property in Wokingham without first obtaining planning permission.

- White Cottage appears on historic maps in around 1870 and was second oldest property in Crowthorne. The former property was poorly modernised over recent decades with extensions. Just because of the age of a dwelling, they are not all of substandard construction.

- Replacement dwelling is double the height of original bungalow, is the equivalent of a two storey dwelling at the apex

- White Cottage once had land that extended to Brookers Corner but half of it was sold for construction of a pair of semi-detached properties on Brookers Corner which turned the front garden into a small back garden with the access moved to make the front garden of the site today. The site whilst in a good size plot the area of land which can be built on is restricted by the settlement boundary and SPA.

- Whilst attempts have been made to make the dwelling less imposing, the following are concerns:

- Velux windows result in overlooking

- Side facing window looks into garden

- Dwelling maybe partially well screened but due to shrubs/trees on neighbours land and are deciduous

- Could do planting or erect fence to screen the dwelling

- Single storey element is tall and imposing

- Replacement dwelling will have permitted development rights intact

- Storm drainage ditch runs along settlement boundary and ensures run off from forest does not flood gardens of Brookers Corner, Upper Broadmoor Road and White Cottage itself. Any blockage of the storm drain will cause flooding to surrounding properties

- Object to proposal due to excessive roof height and resultant bulk, detrimental to visual amenities of surrounding area

- Proposal should be considered as additional housing not permissible under SPA legislation.

- Dwelling is incoherent. Dwelling design is more befitting of Edgcumbe Park.

- No valid documentation in relation to tree protection. Has been no ground or tree protection barriers in place.

- Privacy impacted both in size and outlook


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


01.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 22 April 2015 and 1 June 2015:


          proposed layout block plan         

          proposed layout block plan showing tree protection measures 

          drawing no. NB/002        

          drawing no. NB/004        

          Document entitled Tree Protection Barrier Specification           

          Document entitled Ground Protection Specification                  


02.     The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match those outlined in the planning application form received 22 April 2015 and emails received 13 May 2015 and 9 June 2015 - use of smooth white render and Natural Spanish slate roof tiles          


03.     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no additional windows, similar openings or enlargement thereof shall be constructed at first floor level or above in the side elevations of the building hereby permitted except for any which may be shown on the approved drawings.        


04.     The first floor side facing window in the eastern elevation of the development hereby permitted shall not be glazed at any time other than with a minimum of Pilkington Level 3 obscure glass (or equivalent).  It shall at all times be fixed with the exception of a top hung openable fanlight.   


05.     The 4no. skylight in the roof slope facing south of the proposed development shall at all times be no less than 1.7 metres above internal floor level.         


06.     No part of the dwelling shall be occupied unitl a scheme depicting hard and soft landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include a 3 year post planting maintenance schedule. All planting comprised in the soft landscaping works shall be carried out and completed in full accordance with the approved scheme, in the nearest planting season (1st October to 31st March inclusive) prior to the occupation of any part of the approved development. All hard landscaping works shall be carried and completed prior to the occupation of any part of the approved development. As a minimum, the quality of all hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 4428:1989 'Code Of practice For General Landscape Operations' or any subsequent revision. All trees and other plants included within the approved details shall be healthy, well formed specimens of a minimum quality that is compatible with British Standard 3936:1992 (Part 1) 'Specifications For Trees & Shrubs' and British Standard 4043 (where applicable) or any subsequent revision.  Any trees or other plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development, die, are removed, uprooted, are significantly damaged, become diseased or deformed, shall be replaced during the nearest planting season (1st October to 31st March inclusive) with others of the same size, species and quality as approved. The areas shown for landscaping shall thereafter be retained.    


07.     No part of the dwelling shall be occupied until a scheme of walls, fences and any other means of enclosure has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme shall be implemented in full before the occupation of any of the buildings approved in this permission.          


08.     No part of the dwelling shall be occupied until the associated vehicle parking space has been surfaced in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The spaces shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than parking.   


09.     No part of the dwelling shall be occupied until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for covered and secure cycle parking facilities.  The dwelling shall not be occupied until the approved scheme has been implemented. The facilities shall thereafter  be retained.  


10.     The protective fencing and other protection measures as shown on drawing entitled proposed layout received 1 June 2015, document entitled Tree Protection Barrier Specification received 1 June 2015 and Ground Protection Specification received 15 May 2015 shall be maintained fully intact and (in the case of the fencing) upright, in its approved locations at all times, until the completion of all building operations on the site. No activity of any description must occur at any time within these areas including but not restricted to the following: -         

          a)  No mixing of cement or any other materials.

          b)  Storage or disposal of any soil, building materials, rubble, machinery, fuel, chemicals, liquids waste residues or materials/debris of any other description.

          c)  Siting of any temporary structures of any description including site office/sales buildings, temporary car parking facilities, porta-loos, storage compounds or hard standing areas of any other description.    

          d)  Soil/turf stripping, raising/lowering of existing levels, excavation or alterations to the existing surfaces/ ground conditions of any other description.

          e)  Installation/siting of any underground services, temporary or otherwise including; drainage, water, gas, electricity, telephone, television, external lighting or any associated ducting.        

          f)   Parking/use of tracked or wheeled machinery or vehicles of any description.

          In addition to the protection measures specified above,            

          a)  No fires shall be lit within 20 metres of the trunks of any trees or the centre line of any hedgerow shown to be retained.      

          b)  No signs, cables, fixtures or fittings of any other description shall be attached to any part of any retained tree.       


11.     No part of the dwelling shall be occupied until a Sustainability Statement covering water efficiency aimed at achieving an average water use in new dwellings of 110 litres/person/day, has been submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the Sustainability Statement, as approved, and retained as such thereafter.            


12.     No part of the dwelling shall be occupied until a scheme for the provision of bird and bat boxes (and other biodiversity enhancements), including a plan or drawing showing the location of these enhancements, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.        

          The approved scheme shall thereafter be performed, observed and complied with.

Supporting documents: