Agenda item

PS Application 14/01274/RTD - Telecommunications Mast Opposite Great Oaks Cottage, Crouch Lane, Winkfield

Installation of 10 metre tall dual-operator telecom's monopole complete with 1 no. antenna within a GRP shroud, 1 no. equipment unit plus ancillary works


Installation of 10 metre tall dual-operator telecom's monopole complete with 1 no. antenna within a GRP shroud , 1 no. equipment unit plus ancillary works.


The criteria for public speaking had been met in respect of this application and the Committee was addressed by the registered speakers Mr Wigzell and Mr Kingdom, who represented their objections to the proposed development.


The Committee noted:


  • The supplementary report of the Head of Development Management tabled at the meeting.
  • The comments of Winkfield Parish Council.
  • 12 letters of objection had been received and raised the following issues:

- The pole would be visually prominent within the Green Belt.

- The siting is an accident hot spot.

- The siting is on the only dangerous, narrow stretch of Crouch Lane which is 60 mph.

- Crouch Lane is not salted in the winter.

- The applicant has incorrectly stated it is a 30mph road.

- Alternative sites have also not been fully explored for example the pumping station and owners of adjacent fields have not been approached.

- A more urban location would be more suitable, for example, North Street.

- A site with tree cover would be more suitable. There was no tree on site although one was show on the plans.

  • An additional letter of objection had been received which increased the total number to 13, and raised the following issues:

                      i.        The lane was old and never originally intended for large vehicle use therefore traffic had increased over the years.

                     ii.        With the exception of a few hundred yards at one end of the lane the speed limit was 60 mph and there were many large horse boxes using the lane.

                    iii.        Due to the highways definition of the lane there was no maintenance on the surface and there was no camber, also the ditch was deep and combined with the bend could be a very real danger to cars meeting a large horse box coming in the opposite direction.

                   iv.        Many local residents had experienced a "nowhere to go situation" and a mast and cabinet would make a bad situation worse.

                    v.        Visually the mast would be a dangerous distraction.

                   vi.        Neighbourhood Watch was not aware of any large increase in stabling and horse traffic but were aware that there was much larger traffic in the lane in recent years.


Members expressed concern regarding the siting of the mast and the potential impact on vehicles coming from both directions on the road and noted that the mast would be sited on a grass verge and any maintenance vehicles should be parked off road.


Members noted that there had been just one accident on the road in the past ten years and it was not related to the bend in the road. Members noted that the mast would be erected to replace another mast and suggested that there be an additional condition requiring the removal of the mast to be replaced. Members noted that the application complied with Highway Safety standards and that an application for the erection of a mast could only be refused on grounds of highway safety or visual amenity.


RESOLVED that the siting and appearance of the development proposed be APPROVED in accordance with the plans as stated below:-


01.       Drg no 100 Issue D received by LPA 20.01.2015                 

Drg no 200 Issue D received by LPA 20.01.2015     

Drg no 300 Issue B received by LPA 20.01.2015


02.       The existing 15m high mast and associated cabinet approved and implemented under application 00/01019/RTD shall, within 3 months of the installation of the mast hereby permitted, be decommissioned and removed from the land on which it is currently installed.

Supporting documents: