Agenda item

Application 14/01114/FUL - 24 Beaulieu Close, Bracknell

Erection of a part two storey, part first floor side extension (Re-submission of planning application 14/00633/FUL).


Erection of a part two storey, part first floor side extension (Re-submission of planning application 14/00633/FUL).


The Committee noted:

  • The comments of Winkfield Parish Council.
  • Two objections were received and are summarised as follows:

- The design and massing of the development is out of character with the surrounding area, including the use of a single wide garage access door, and has resulted in overdevelopment of the site and a terracing effect. Furthermore the wooden beams as shown on the approved plans for 14/00633/FUL have not been installed.

- The development results in an adverse loss of light to the residents of the neighbouring property of 'Springhill', 23 Beaulieu Close.

- The development does not provide adequate parking provision for vehicles.


Members noted that the extension was 0.4 metres further forward and amendments had been made to the garage as per the report in the agenda papers. The garage was not classified as a double garage as it was not wide enough. Members expressed concern regarding the resident being able to access the driveway via the dropped curb on the corner which was for pedestrian use. Members suggested that a condition be added to prevent the resident from doing this.


RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


01.       The development hereby permitted shall be retained in accordance with the following plans received by the Local Planning Authority:       

            2814-2 Issue F 'Proposed elevations' received on 10 December 2014        

            2817-3 Issue F 'Existing and proposed floor plans' received on 10 December 2014           

            2814-7 Issue C 'Parking Plan' received on 10 December 2014       

            2814-10 Issue D 'Site Plan' received on 16 October 2014   


02.       The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall be of similar appearance to those of the existing dwelling.       


03.       Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification), no windows at first floor level or above shall be installed on the north facing side elevation of the first floor rear extension hereby permitted.       


04.       Within three months of the date of this permission the 2no. off-street parking spaces as shown on drawing 2814-7 Issue C 'Parking Plan' received by the Local Planning Authority on 10 December 2014 shall provided in accordance with the approved plans. The parking spaces shall thereafter be retained for the use of the parking vehicles at all times.  


05.       Within three months of the date of this permission the parking within the garage, shall be provided in accordance with drawing 2814-7 Issue C 'Parking Plan' received by the Local Planning Authority on 10 December 2014. The garage shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification), thereafter be retained for the use of the parking of vehicles at all times.           


06.       Within three months of the date of this permission the 2no. roller shutter doors shall be installed to the garage in accordance with drawing 2814-2 Issue F 'Proposed elevations' received by the Local Planning Authority on 10 December 2014. The roller shutter doors shall thereafter be retained in this location at all times, and any replacement or repair shall only be with roller shutter type garage doors.


07.       Within one month of the date of this permission details of landscaping treatments for preventing access/egress for vehicles to or from the hard surfaced area serving 24 Beaulieu Close through the pedestrian footway crossing, sited on the southwestern corner of the property within the highway junction of Beaulieu Close with Brockenhurst Road, shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be implemented within month of written approval, and shall thereafter be retained for the purposes of preventing vehicular access/egress across the footway at all times.

Supporting documents: