Agenda item

PS Application 13/01035/FUL Land Adjacent to Hayley Green Farm, Hayley Green, Warfield

Change of use from agricultural building to curling rink (D2) following renovation, formation of ancillary grassed parking area, erection of extension to barn, demolition of former piggery, new vehicular access and landscaping.


A site visit was held on Saturday 13 December 2014 which was attended by Councillors Mrs Angell, Birch, Blatchford, Ms Brown, Brossard, Davison, Dudley, Gbadebo, Heydon, Mrs Phillips and Thompson.


The Committee noted:


  • The supplementary report of the Head of Development Management tabled at the meeting.
  • The comments of Warfield Parish Council
  • 21 letters of objection raising concerns around the proposed development:

-          detracting from the character of the countryside and the green belt and having a dominating, commercial, urbanising impact

-          the site being an unsuitable location

-          the bulk and mass of the proposed development being too big, oversized and unattractive

-          there would be a loss of light and privacy to neighbouring properties as well as noise and light pollution

-          increased traffic having a detrimental impact on highway safety and car parking screening being inadequate.

In addition, 120 letters of support have been received; approximately 6.5% came from residents within the borough, 9% from abroad and the remainder from elsewhere in the UK. These letters relate to there not being enough opportunities within the UK for curling and support the promotion of the sport.


The criteria for public speaking had been met in respect of this application and the Committee was addressed by the registered speakers Mr Kirby raising objections to the proposed development and Dr Hinds, the applicant.


Members expressed concern around the proposed development leading to increased activity in a location that was not sustainable. Members were also concerned that additional parking and increased levels of activity would have a detrimental impact on the open and rural character of the area. Noise and light pollution were also a concern to Members as well as the number of traffic movements generated by the Curling rink on a daily basis.


A motion to APPROVE the recommendations of the Head of Development Management as set out in the report and on the supplementary report was moved and seconded. On being put to the vote the motion was LOST.


An alternative motion to REFUSE the application was moved and seconded. On being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.


It was RESOLVED that the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


01        The proposed extension, additional car parking and increased levels of activity associated with the proposed use would have a detrimental impact upon the open and rural character of the area. The development is therefore contrary to Policy CS9 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document, ‘Saved’ Policies EN8 and EN9 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan and the NPPF.


02        The proposal is not sited in a sustainable location and as such would result in an increase in traffic movements which would be generated to and from the site. This would lead to an increase in vehicles on Bracknell Road to the detriment of highway safety. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to Policy CS23 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and ‘Saved’ Policy M4 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan.


03        The use of the proposed access point which is in close proximity to the access for Meadowbrook Montessori Primary School would adversely affect road safety and the flow of traffic. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy CS23 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document.


04        The proposed curling rink use, plant equipment and car parking area by reason of its siting and proximity to the boundary with neighbouring properties would result in an unacceptable level of noise and disturbance to the detriment of the living conditions of neighbouring properties. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to Policy EN20 and EN25 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan. 

Supporting documents: