Agenda item

Executive Report

To receive the Leader’s report on the work of the Executive since the Council meeting held on 17 September 2014.


Council is asked to resolve a recommendation in respect of:

  • Polling Districts and Polling Places


The Executive will be meeting on 18 November 2014, if any matters arise at that meeting which require a decision by Council, a supplementary report will be circulated.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bettison, presented his report on the work of the Executive since that reported at the Council meeting on 17 September 2014. The Executive had met three times on 23 September 2014, 21 October 2014 and 18 November 2014.


The Leader highlighted the following matters that had been considered:


·         Community Hubs, five new community hubs were planned before 2026. It was intended that the community hubs would be managed by town and parish councils.


·         Polling District and Polling Places Review, No changes were proposed for 31 out of the 33 polling districts and the Council was recommended to create two new polling districts.


·         Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report:

-          Key areas last year included the: Child Sexual Exploitation (CES) Strategy, Children’s Society Survey of more than 2000 children/young people and a conference on neglect with Frank Field MP.

-          The focus for 2014/15 included further development of CSE protection and support, early intervention framework, domestic abuse, reducing the impact of substance and alcohol misuse in children and young people, reducing impact of parental mental illness on children and understanding harm associated with misuse of technology.  


·         Binfield Learning Village and Community Facilities, since 2003 more than 5000 new school places had been created however additional capacity in the north of the borough was still essential. The Blue Mountain proposals would deliver a nursery, a two form entry primary school, a seven form entry secondary school and special educational needs provision. This would amount to 1,851 additional places.


·         Customer Contact Strategy 2011-2014: progress over the last three years included improved online access to libraries, increased numbers of school admission applications being completed online, the Digital Inclusion Project, an automated telephony service and a redesigned Benefits and Housing Service.


·         Other significant issues considered by the Executive included:

-          Office Accommodation Strategy

-          Enforcement Policy

-          Amendment to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) Policy

-          Roles and responsibilities of the Director of Children’s Services and Lead Member clarified.

-          Business and Enterprise Work Plan

-          Complaints Procedure

-          Corporate Performance


Councillor Mrs Temperton asked for clarification regarding the cost to parents of the Kidz Saturday and holiday schemes, as the report in the agenda papers was unclear on page 18. In addition, Councillor Mrs Temperton asked if the John Nike holiday scheme would no longer be supported by Aiming High, as this scheme was being reduced by half.


Councillor Dr Barnard confirmed that the cost to parents for the Kidz Saturday and holiday scheme would be rising from £12 to £20 and that the John Nike holiday scheme would no longer be supported by the Aiming High programme. These changes had been made following consultation with parents and carers and the options chosen were supported by parent and carers as well as providers. 


Councillor Mrs Temperton asked that given that this respite offered a lifeline to families with disabled children in particular and was vital, could the funding not be found from the Council’s significant reserves.


Councillor Dr Barnard reiterated that the option agreed by the Executive was a sustainable one which offered best value and the right balance. Further, this option had been chosen by parents and carers locally.


On the proposition of Councillor Birch, seconded by Councillor McCracken it was




Polling District and Polling Places Review 2014:

1)         (i)         No changes were made to the following polling districts and polling places which met statutory criteria and provided reasonable and   accessible facilities:































(ii)        No changes were made to polling district CN (Crowthorne) noting that the TRL site was a long term development area and therefore would be kept under review as development progressed

(iii)       A new polling district BC be created to cover those properties in the Wykery Copse development, Peacock Lane and Waterloo Road which were currently located in BB and that the Jennett’s Park Community Centre, Tawny Owl Square, be designated as the polling place for the new BC polling district.  Electors in the revised BB polling district will continue to vote at Farley Wood Community Centre.

(iv)       A new polling district BLP be created for The Parks and surrounding roads and that the Parks Community Centre be designated as the polling place for the new BLP polling district.  Electors in the revised BL polling district will continue to vote at St Paul’s Church.


Policy on Directed Surveillance and Use of Covert Human Intelligence Sources

2)         Amendment to the Council’s Policy on Directed Surveillance and Use of Covert Human Intelligence Sources under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000, as detailed in the agenda papers on page 17 be approved.

Supporting documents: