Agenda item

Mayor's Announcements


Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund


The Deputy Mayor announced that for the remainder of the municipal year he would be pleased to continue to support and raise funds for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund that Councillor Alan Kendall had so tirelessly supported during his time as Mayor.


Executive Member for Culture, Corporate Services & Public Protection


Councillor McCracken was pleased to announce that the Council’s customer portal had been set up as part of the Customer Contact Strategy and had been live since October 2014. The portal enabled residents to log enquiries and to chart the progress of their queries by logging into the portal. 1250 people had used the portal over the last two months, indicating the success of this work.


Councillor McCracken was pleased to announce that 28 primary and junior schools had participated in tag rugby which had taken place at the Great Hollands Recreation Ground. This included 300 children participating in 80 games. The Executive Member congratulated Whitegrove Primary School for winning the final of the games. 


Councillor McCracken was pleased to announce that in a recent publication Bracknell Forest was listed in the top ten for sporting and fitness activity. This was clear to see with the many opportunities available across the borough including the success of Bracknell hockey clubs, Bracknell Forest runners membership which had almost doubled to 300 adult members and the excellent mountain bike trails available.



Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Health & Housing


Councillor Birch was pleased to announce that the Council had achieved national recognition for the extra care work carried out for vulnerable groups. The Prime Minister’s Office had carried out a parliamentary review of care and had chosen Bracknell Forest to celebrate the work undertaken in this service area. The borough had featured among the top ten nationally for its performance in this area. Councillor Birch reported that this was recognition of the excellent work of staff and officers and he extended his thanks to all staff involved in this service area.


Executive Member for Children, Young People & Learning


Councillor Dr Barnard was pleased to announce that there had been a royal visit to the borough in the preceding week by the Duke of Gloucester, Prince Richard to formally open the newly built part of Crown Wood School. The royal visit had been a huge success and Prince Richard had congratulated the Council on the quality of the environment at Crown Wood School.


Councillor Dr Barnard was pleased to announce that this year’s School’s Carol Concert on 7 December 2014 would be dedicated to Councillor Alan Kendall as recognition of his dedication and contribution to music and all proceeds would go to the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund.


Executive Member for Planning & Transport


CouncillorTurrell was pleased to announce that Berkshire Youth who managed the Wayz Youth Centre had made a special award to Liz Hassock, Youth Support Manager for her outstanding work for the community in working with them on youth provision.


CouncillorTurrell was pleased to announce that Safer Roads Berkshire, in partnership with Bracknell Forest Council and four other Berkshire authorities, had received the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. The award was for their outstanding contribution to improving road safety. In particular, Councillor Turrell thanked Tina Housego, Road Safety Officer for her contribution to this success.


Executive Member for the Environment


CouncillorMrs Hayes was pleased to announce that since the installation of solar panels on the Bracknell Forest Leisure Centre, over 100,000 kW of energy had been generated by the solar panels. This had led to reduced costs, a saving of energy and a reduced carbon footprint.


Executive Member for Economic Development & Regeneration


Councillor Brunel-Walker was pleased to announce that the demolition of Winchester House would be started on Friday 28 November. ITV Meridian would be covering the demolition.


Councillor Brunel-Walker was pleased to announce that he would be participating in the Christmas Shopping Challenge to demonstrate his support of local retailers. He urged everyone to support local retailers during the critical period whilst the town centre was being regenerated, as this would be a challenging period particularly for small businesses. In addition, the borough would be running a Small Business Saturday on Saturday 6 December in the town centre, presenting another good opportunity to show support for the borough’s small businesses.