Agenda item

Schools Budget 2013-14 Monitoring and Other Matters

1          To endorse budget transfers proposed for 2013-14;


2          To receive an update on the 2013-14 forecast budget monitoring position for the Schools Budget;


3          To agree loan requests received from schools; and;


4          To agree changes to the criteria for in-year budget allocations to schools experiencing significant growth in pupil numbers.


The Schools Forum considered a report to endorse budget transfers proposed for 2013-14; receive an update the 2013-14 forecast budget monitoring position for the Schools Budget; agree loan requests received from schools, and; agree changes to the criteria for in-year budget allocations to schools experiencing significant growth in pupil numbers for which a proposed revision was tabled as follows:


1, Criteria for in-year budget allocations to schools experiencing significant growth in pupil numbers.


(Paragraph 4) ‘There is one exception to this general rule. When a school is funded on the basis of estimated actual costs, which is ordinarily a new school or one that opens additional forms of entry during a financial year, it will not be entitled to any growth allowances, provided funds for the additional costs that will arise from a planned significant in-year increase in pupil numbers are allocated from an alternative source. This relates to schools that agree with a Local Authority to open a ‘surge’ class, for example, one additional class to accommodate up to 30 additional pupils where additional funding will be allocated irrespective of the actual number of pupils admitted, if the pupils in the ‘surge’ class are admitted after the census used for funding purposes. The funding allocation will be calculated in the same way as for general in-year growth, applied from the beginning of the term that the ‘surge’ class is open (rather than against the number of months the ‘surge’ class is open).


Where a ‘surge’ class opens after the census point used for calculating the school’s budget for the next financial year, a further funding top up will be made to cover the full year cost of a teacher on Mainscale Point 6 and a Learning Support Assistant on Bracknell Forest pay point 12 for the relevant financial year. This funding will be made available for one year only at the commencement of the relevant financial year.’


The tabled revision to the criteria for in-year budget allocations to schools experiencing growth in pupil numbers was in response to in-year pressure on places for Year 1 pupils in North Bracknell. The Forum requested further information on the need for an additional class and the associated timeline.


In light of the potential year end under spending on the centrally managed items within the Schools Budget, it was confirmed that members of the Forum should send details of any additional spending proposals, which must be of a one-off nature, to for inclusion in the appropriate budget paper for consideration by the Forum at a later date.


RESOLVED that the Schools Forum:


  1. NOTED the budget variances being forecast on the 2013-14 Schools Budget that in total aggregate to a net under spending of £0.251m, which increased to £0.646m when unallocated year end balances were also taken into account (paragraph 5.6);


  1. RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member that the required budget transfers between Pupil behaviour, SEN provisions and support services and Education out of school were AGREED (paragraph 5.3);


  1. AGREED that due to on-going uncertainties, the use of any under spend forecast for 2013-14 was considered in January 2014 when the 2014-15 budget was agreed (paragraph 5.9);


  1. AGREED the loan requests for Wildmoor Heath Primary and Sandhurst Secondary Schools (paragraph 5.11);


  1. AGREED the updated criteria for in-year budget allocations to schools experiencing significant growth in pupil numbers, as tabled at the meeting.

Supporting documents: