Agenda item

Draft Clinical Commissioning Group's Plan for 2013/14

The purpose of this report is to share with the Health and Wellbeing Board the latest draft plans for 2013/14 produced by NHS Bracknell and Ascot CCG, and seek the views of the Board members to inform the final plan for 2013/14.



The Board considered a report that detailed the latest draft plans for 2013/14 produced by NHS Bracknell and Ascot CCG and sought the views of the Board members to inform the final plan for 2013/14.


Dr Tong made the following points:


  • The Area Team officers from the NHS Commissioning Board had now been appointed, Helen Clanchy had been appointed to the Bracknell Forest area.
  • He referred the Board to the CCG’s ‘plan on a page’ which the CCG had been required to produce.
  • He reported that the three CCG’s would work together in clinical forum as this would add strength.
  • A single point of contact was available for GP’s to put forward their concerns around any Trust or areas of failing around health. The facility was well used by the Bracknell and Ascot CCG which should be seen as a positive as it demonstrated that the CCG were on board with the idea and were keen to be a conduit, feed into the system with the overall objective of improving healthcare. 
  • Effective partnerships had been established; this included the Health & Wellbeing Board.
  • The CCG would need to establish three priority areas as follows:

i)                    Public perception of primary care services, this was a local priority that the CCG would like to improve.

ii)                   Patients with long term conditions

iii)                 The third priority needed to be confirmed and would either be patient reported outcomes of hip and knee replacements, or local prevalence of depression. Local prevalence of depression was difficult to measure as baseline data was not at present available.

·         The CCG had been subject to tight national deadlines to agree priorities and had based the three priorities on data taken from the Joint Strategic Needs Analysis, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Everyone Counts. The Board’s input was welcomed.

·         In response to members’ queries, Dr Tong reported that local data around depression only showed prevalence and it was likely that this was an area affected by under-reporting. A marker for the data was necessary, for example, suicide rates could be used. Local psychiatrists and psychologists had been tasked with considering this further.


Board members made the following points:


·         The Director of Public Health reported that it was important that there was sufficient alignment between the CCG Plan and the Health & Wellbeing Strategy and based on the CCG Plan before the Board there was sufficient alignment. She suggested that it may be difficult to quantify and/or impact upon the prevalence of depression and that it may be prudent to consider measures relating to experience of patients undergoing hip or knee replacements as this could be validated and measured and create a significant impact.

·         The Director of Adult Social Care, Health & Housing noted that there was a healthy link between the CCG’s core business and the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.

·         Board members noted that priorities were based on outlying areas for the CCG and queried whether work was being undertaken around areas that were likely to become outlying areas. The Director of Public Health reported that this was the first time the CCG had been presented with the data and as a result it was difficult for the CCG to identify emerging issues at this early stage. Dr Tong reported that trend analysis and referral patterns would be monitored and used for priority setting.

·         It was noted that there were a number of abbreviations and acronyms in the report and Board members agreed to refrain from using these, in order to ensure the reports could be easily understood by all.

·         Board members were asked to feed through any other comments on the Plan to Mary Purnell.


It was RESOLVED that the Health & Wellbeing Board had reviewed the CCG Plan and asked that the comments made above be taken on board.  

Supporting documents: