Agenda item

12/00261/REM - Land Parcel H20 and H21, Peacock Lane, Bracknell

Submission of details of scale, layout, appearance, access and landscaping for the erection of 78no. dwellings with associated parking pursuant to outline permission 98/00288/OUT (623523) (affects land parcel H20 (part) and H21).



Submission of details of scale, layout, appearance, access and landscaping for the erection of 78no. dwellings with associated parking pursuant to outline permission 98/00288/OUT (623523) (affects land parcel H20 (part) and H21).


The Committee noted:


  • The supplementary report of the Head of Development Management tabled at the meeting.
  • The comments of Bracknell Town Council.
  • One letter of objection and further representations.


Members discussed the height, design and orientation of the three storey units to be built on the site, and in relation to the eight units to be built along the ‘buffer’ opposite to Queens Wood.


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the following conditions:-


01.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following plans:           

          Planning Layout 26-1768-001 R                                                           

          Location Plan 26-1768-002                                                                  

          Storey Heights 26-1768-003 A                                                 

          External Enclosures 26-1768-004 A                            

          External Enclosure Details 26-1768-005                                 

          External Finishes 26-1768-006 A                                                                     

          Richmond Elevations 26-1768-RI-001 A                                                                      

          Richmond Elevations 26-1768-RI-002 A                                                                      

          Richmond Floor Plans 26-1768-RI-003                                                                       

          Hampstead Elevations 26-1768-HA-001 A                                                                  

          Hampstead Elevations 26-1768-HA-002 A                                                                  

          Hampstead Floor Plans 26-1768-HA-003                                                        

          Salisbury Elevations 26-1768-SA-001 A                                                                      

          Salisbury Floor Plans 26-1768-SA-002                                                            

          Cambridge Elevations 26-1768-CA-001 A                                                                   

          Cambridge Elevations 26-1768-CA-002 A                                                                   

          Cambridge Floor Plans 26-1768-CA-003                                                        

          Stratford Elevations 26-1768-ST-001 A                                                                       

          Stratford Elevations 26-1768-ST-002 A                                                                       

          Stratford Floor Plans 26-1768-ST-003                                                 

          Pembroke Elevations 26-1768-PM-001 A                                                                    

          Pembroke Floor Plans 26-1768-PM-002                                                                     

          Pembroke Elevations 26-1768-Pm-003 A                                                                   

          Pembroke Floor Plans 26-1768-PM-004                                                                     

          Kenilworth Elevations 26-1768-KN-001 A                                                        

          Kenilworth Elevations 26-1768-KN-005                                                           

          Kenilworth Floor Plans 26-1768-KN-002                                                         

          Kenilworth Elevations 26-1768-KN-003 A                                                        

          Kenilworth Floor Plans 26-1768-KN-004                                                         

          Warwick Elevations 26-1768-WK-001 A                                                                     

          Warwick Elevations 26-1768-WK-002 A                                                                     

          Warwick Floor Plans 26-1768-WK-003 A                                                                    

          Broadway, Evesham 26-1768-BR-001 A                                                                     

          Broadway, Evesham 26-1768-BR-002                                                            

          Coniston Elevations 26-1768-CO-001 A                                                                      

          Coniston Floor Plans 26-1768-CO-002                                                                       

          Garage Floor Plans & Elevations 26-1768-GAR-001                                      

          Garage Floor Plans & Elevations 26-1768-GAR-002                                      

          Garage Floor Plans & Elevations 26-1768-GAR-003                                      

          Garage Floor Plans & Elevations 26-1768-GAR-004                                      

          Garage Floor Plans & Elevations 26-1768-GAR-005                                      

          Typical Pergola Detail 26-1768-PER-001

Bin and Cycle strategy layout: 26-1768-013A

Planting details: 04465 01B, 02B, 03B,04B and 05

LAP details: 04974A     

02.     There shall be no restrictions on the use of the car parking spaces shown on the approved plan for visitors to the buildings hereby permitted.

03.     No development shall take place until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for external site lighting serving the parking court to the rear of plots 3-11, including lighting units and levels of illumination. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the first use of that area and the lighting retained in accordance therewith.       

04.     No works shall take place during the main bird-nesting period of 1st March to 31st August inclusive, unless:  

          i) a survey of the application site, conducted by an independent qualified ecologist, has been undertaken to establish whether any birds are nesting on the site and,         

          ii) a scheme to minimise the impact of the works on birds nesting on the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.    

          The approved scheme shall be performed, observed and complied with for the duration of the regrading works.   

05.     The following windows in the houses hereby approved shall not be glazed at any time other than with a minimum of Pilkington Level 3 obscure glass (or equivalent).  They shall at all times be fixed shut with the exception of a top hung openable fanlight:-      

          Plot 20 - west facing window at first-floor level

          Plot 50 - west facing window at first-floor level.

06.     Within two months of the date of this planning permission a method statement for carrying out the installation of tree root barriers in the vicinity of the trees to be planted adjacent to any adoptable highway and service trenches, pipes, sewers, conduits, etc. shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority for its approval. The method statement shall describe works designed to minimise any adverse impact caused by tree roots to these surfaces, structures and services, and likewise prevent damage to tree roots caused by location, installation and repair of below ground services.

The method statement shall include:

a) An approved planning layout to 1:200 scale showing the accurate trunk position of the trees in relation to the proposed works,

b) Layout and construction profile drawings, and

c) Construction implementation method statement including timing/phasing of the works.

The root barrier installation shall be carried out, and services located, in full accordance with the approved details.

07.     The development hereby approved shall not be begun until details of the proposed visitor parking space to the front of plots 37/38 have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Summary Of Reason(s) For Decision:


The following development plan policies have been taken into account in determining this planning application:


Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan:

EN2 - which seeks to supplement tree and hedgerow cover.

EN20 - as it would be acceptable in terms of its impact upon the character of the area, and amenity of surrounding properties and adjoining area.

EN22 - which seeks to ensure there will be convenient access, parking space and facilities for people with disabilities

M9 - which seeks satisfactory parking provision for vehicles and cycles


Bracknell Forest Core Strategy

CS1 - which seeks to ensure that development makes efficient use of land and buildings, reduces the need for travel, promotes a mix of uses, conserves water and energy use, supports the economic wellbeing of the population, protects and enhances safety, natural resources, character of local landscape and historic and cultural features.

CS7 - which seeks to ensure that developments are of high quality design.

CS23 - which seeks to ensure the Council will use its powers to reduce the need to travel, and promote alternative modes, increase safety of travel and maintain and improve the local road network.


South East Plan

CC6 – which seeks development that will respect and enhance the character and distinctiveness of settlements and landscapes, and use innovative design to create a high quality built environment which promotes a sense of place.

H5 – which seeks positive measures to raise the quality of new housing, reduce its environmental impact, and make good use of land

T4 – which seeks an appropriate level of parking.

NRM6 – which requires new residential development which is likely to have a significant effect on the ecological integrity of Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA) to demonstrate that adequate measures are put in place to avoid or mitigate any potential adverse effects.




The following material considerations have been taken into account.


Third party representations were received on grounds that houses proposed on the western boundary of the application site, particularly because of their windows at 2nd floor level, would lead to unacceptable levels of overlooking of Queens Wood and its garden and have a harmful effect on the character of the buffer area, contrary to the Masterplan Design Statement and the views of councillors who considered the Masterplan at committee in June 2005.  These comments have been taken into consideration, however it is considered that the proposal would be in accordance with the Masterplan Design Statement and, by reason of the orientation of the proposed houses and the distance between their windows and Queens Wood and its garden, no unacceptable overlooking or loss of privacy would occur nor would the propose development have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area. 


The proposal is considered to comply with the policies listed above.  The proposal will not unacceptably affect the character of the area or the living conditions of nearby residents.  The impact of the development upon local infrastructure and the Thames Basin Heaths SPA has been satisfactorily mitigated by s106 agreements linked to the wider Jennett’s Park development.  The details are considered to comply with the approved Peacock Farm Masterplan Design Statement.  The application is therefore approved.

Supporting documents: