Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report

To consider the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance as reported in the PMR for the first quarter of 2011/12 (April to June) relating to Environment, Culture and Communities.  An overview of the second quarter will also be provided.


Please bring the previously circulated Performance Monitoring Report to the meeting.  Copies are available on request and attached to this agenda if viewed online.


The Director of Environment, Culture and Communities gave a presentation in respect of departmental performance with reference to the Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for the 1st quarter of 2011/112. The presentation outlined the Department’s finances as at August 2011, highlighted major variances on revenue and gave an overview of Capital Finance. Staffing issues, key highlights and a forward look were also included.


The Panel noted that the current Gross Revenue budget was £86,329,000 with a predicted underspend of £68,000. Major variances on Revenue were the result of a reduction in fees for the Coroner’s Service and a reduction in cost of the Safer Roads Partnership. It was reported that the same level of service was received from the Safer Roads Partnership and that the reduction in cost was the result of increased income and a more efficient service.


The Capital programme 2011-12 was £17,030 as at August 2011, with a predicted underspend of 0.04%. It was noted that there were no Capital Schemes identified for carry forwards.


The Panel was advised that the Department had an average vacancy factor of 8.22%. Overall, vacancies had decreased by 3 in the quarter. Staff turnover was low at 2.28% at the end of the quarter. The Panel noted that a small staff turnover could be a disadvantage if the level continued to be low as new ideas would not be brought in to the organisation from new members of staff.


Key highlights for the Department included: a new format PMR which would give a tighter focus on local priorities and performance highlights: Forestcare which had celebrated its twentieth birthday and now had almost 10,000 customers: and Lily Hill Park, Shepherds Meadow and Sandhurst Memorial Park had all received Green Flag Awards. Landscape Services had been restructured to provide a more efficient service, gas works on Crowthorne High Street had been completed and winter preparations were underway with a new salt barn at The Depot. The Panel noted that the Department would have a new responsibility in relation to Flood and Water Management from April 2012.


Arising from Members’ questions and comments the following points were noted:


  • The first phase of the South Hill Park restoration was now complete. Members requested that during an appropriate stage in the works, Members be invited to SHP to view the progress that had been made.
  • The procurement process had begun for solar panels which would be installed on the roof of Bracknell Leisure Centre. Electricity generated would be used on site as this provided the best value for money.
  • Forestcare had a number of corporate clients including other authorities who were charged for use of the service.


The Panel congratulated Forestcare on the excellent service provided to its customers and the work undertaken to ensure the service now made a profit.


The Panel expressed its thanks to officers for their excellent partnership work with the Gas Board during the work undertaken on Crowthorne High Street.


The Panel thanked the Director for his presentation and officers for their response to questions.

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