Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report

To consider the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance as reported in the PMR for the fourth quarter of 2010/11 (January to March 2011) relating to Environment, Culture and Communities.  An overview of the first quarter of 2011/12 will also be provided.


Please bring the previously circulated Performance Monitoring Report to the meeting.  Copies are available on request and attached to this agenda if viewed online.


The Director of Environment, Culture and Communities gave a presentation in respect of departmental performance with reference to the Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for the 4th quarter of 2010/11 ending 31 March 2011. The presentation outlined the Department’s revenue and finances as at March 2011. Staffing, key highlights and the forward look were also included.


It was reported that in the period to January 2011 there was a £1,120,000 change in the Gross Revenue Budget. The Net Revenue Budget was £37,718,000 with major variances totalling £988,000. Major variances included loss of income from Easthampstead Park Conference Centre and Downshire Golf Course and savings from waste management, car parks, Forestcare and housing benefits.


Capital finance as at March 2011 was £13,376.30 with an anticipated spend of 59.32%. The Panel noted that during 2010/11 the Department had undertaken 103 Capital Programmes. Capital schemes identified for carry forwards included:


  • Programme of Leisure Section 106 Schemes (budget only)
  • South Hill Park Grounds Restoration Project
  • Bridge Structural Maintenance
  • Cemetery and Crematorium Mercury Abatement
  • BFC My Home Buy
  • Highway Maintenance Depot


The average vacancy factor for the department was 8.70% which was a reduction from 11.6% in the same quarter during 2009/10. Overall the vacancies had remained at 62. The Panel noted that whilst the vacancy figure appeared high, taking into account the size of the department it was around 10% which was only marginally higher than other departments of the Council.


Staff sickness had continued to reduce and was at 5.94 FTEs for the year end 2010/11 compared to 6.36 FTEs in 2009/10. Figures for staff on long-term sick leave were reported to the Departmental Management Team meetings throughout the year. The Occupational Health Team monitored staff on long-term sick leave.


The Director highlighted key areas in the Department’s forward look. It was noted that excellent value for money had been achieved with new contracts for waste collection, car park management and supporting people. The Department had also achieved success in work to reduce energy consumption, improve highway infrastructure and progress the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.


Arising from Members’ questions and comments the following points were noted:


  • The ATLAS project would allow automatic transfer of data for a range of Department of Work and Pension benefits and HM Revenue and Custom Tax Credits on to the Council’s system. The project funding began in 2011/12 and would build on the data exchange already in place.
  • The subway near the new Bracknell and Wokingham College had been re-painted as part of a programme developed to maintain all subways in the town centre. The subway was recoated with murals depicting an underwater scene and anti-graffiti paint at a cost of £16,000.
  • Although the final quarter four recycling and landfill figures had not been received from the re3 waste disposal partnership at the time the PMR had been prepared as there was a six week data audit and validation process to be pursued, the figures had now been received and the Panel was assured that the partnership was performing well.


The Panel thanked the Director for his presentation and officers for their response to questions. Members congratulated the Department on the successful work undertaken in 2010/11.

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