Agenda item

Hackney Carriage Tariffs

To consider a representation objecting to the proposed increase in Hackney Carriage Tariff agreed to be put forward for consultation by the Committee at its meeting on 24 March 2011.


The Committee considered a report proposing changes to the tariffs charged by Hackney Carriages in Bracknell Forest.


A previous report seeking approval to consult the industry on proposals to increase hackney carriage fares had been considered by the Committee at its meeting on 24 March 2011.The subsequent consultation had elicited one objection to the proposed fare increases and the matter had been returned to the Committee for further consideration and decision.


The Chairman invited Mr John Yexley, Chairman of the Bracknell Licensed Taxi Forum, to speak to the meeting.  Mr Yexley expressed the view that an increase in fares was supported by the majority of hackney carriage drivers licensed by the Borough and while past fare increases had impacted on trade levels they had recovered.


The Chairman subsequently invited Mrs Jane Robson, JJM Taxis and Zulu Cars to speak to the meeting.  Mrs Robson expressed the view that while a tariff increase was necessary to meet rising outgoings and costs the rate of increase proposed  was too much too quickly.  It would therefore be preferable to implement a staggered increase over a two year period, with a small tariff increase now and a second increase in 2012. 


Arising from member’s questions and comments the following points were noted:


·         The preferred Option 2 proposals would if adopted bring Bracknell Forest fares into line with neighbouring authority fares

·         Any fare increases would need to be fair, reasonable and sustainable in the long term

·         The proposed fares were the maximum that could be charged

·         Any changes would come into effect from 23 June 2011.  This would provide sufficient time to enable changes to be made to meters and for the Council’s Licensing Team to conduct accuracy checks


RESOLVED that from 23 June 2011 the tariff for charges to be made by Hackney Carriages and other vehicles with meters licensed within Bracknell Forest be set as follows:


  • for the first 700 yards: £3.00
  • for each subsequent 200 yards: £0.20
  • waiting time of 45 seconds: £0.20


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