Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report

To consider the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance as reported in the Performance Monitoring Report for thesecond quarter of 2009/10 relating to the Environment, Culture and Communities Department.


Please bring the previously circulated Performance Monitoring Report to the meeting.  Copies are available on request and attached to this agenda if viewed online.


The Director of Environment, Culture and Communities gave a presentation in respect of departmental performance with reference to the Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for the 2nd quarter of 2009/10 ending 30 September 2009. The presentation outlined the Department’s revenue and finances at October 2009. Staffing issues, the new Choice Based Lettings process, the Benefits Service, key highlights and the forward look were also included.


The Panel noted that there was a £1,220,000 change in the Gross Revenue Budget. An increased income expectation of £70,000 meant a Net Revenue Budget of £1,150,000. Major revenue variances included a fall in leisure sites catering consumables, costs for a planning development appeal, reduction in parking charge income and payment of a bill from Thames Valley Water which had not been charged for the past ten years. It was noted that this was an error by Thames Valley Water and that the size of the original bill had been significantly reduced.


The Panel was advised that the number of staff leaving posts had reduced compared to the same time last year. The average vacancy factor was slightly higher than normal as when a post became vacant a months gap was left before new recruitment in order to make savings. Overall the number of vacancies had dropped by 2 for the quarter.


BFC: My Choice was the name for the Council’s new Choice Based Lettings system. Re-registration and new applications had resulted in just over 30,000 applications. Loading of applications on to the new system was to be completed by the end of December 2009.


The Benefits Service 2009/10 Improvement Plan was in place. Evaluation of the new Benefit IT Administration System was taking place with a decision to be made by the end of December 2009.


A key theme for quarter 2 had been customer care, providing a quality service was a high priority for the department. Other highlights included a significant number of procurements undertaken, an education campaign by Trading Standards regarding the selling of products unlawfully to underage children and the transfer of community centres to Corporate Services.


It was noted that a further waste satisfaction survey would be undertaken in the Borough.


Arising from Members’ questions and comments the following points were noted:


  • It was too early to determine whether the refuse collection contract would be in conjunction with neighbouring authorities. A joint contract would be considered if appropriate.
  • Concerns over the National Grid Gas works in Priestwood had been addressed with management to ensure the same problems did not arise in future planned works.
  • Work in relation to the car park management contract was not yet finalised and would take in to account the need to have flexible car parking arrangements during the construction of the Bracknell Healthspace as the contractors would be managed by Bracknell Forest Council.
  • Contractors would be on site at Priory Fields to implement remedial works to the sports pitches which should be completed for autumn 2010. It was requested that the Environment, Culture and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel be advised of any delays/changes to the schedule of works to develop sports pitches at Priory Fields.
  • Although officers were unaware of any slippage in the Bracknell railway station forecourt works, implementation of the associated lighting scheme would extend into the New Year.
  • Bracknell Forest had a high housing allocation and potential to deliver new homes and was waiting to be advised of proposals for the future development of the former Staff College site.
  • The Panel would like further details to be provided on estimated dates for the connecting path development at Ringmead.


The Panel congratulated officers on having no households in Bed and Breakfast accommodation which had resulted in a better service for residents and savings.


The Panel congratulated officers and the Director on their successful management of the Department’s performance and budget.

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