Agenda item

09/00281/FUL - Danleebar Farm Crouch Lane Winkfield

 Change of use of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 11 from Agricultural to non-agricultural storage (B8) and light industrial (B1(c). (Retrospective)



Change of use of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 11 from Agricultural to non-agricultural storage (B8) and light industrial (B1(c). (Retrospective)




The Committee noted the additional information contained within the supplementary report of the Head of Development Management tabled at the meeting.


The Committee noted comments from Warfield Parish Council but asked the Head of Development Management to check the accuracy of this as the application site was within Winkfield.  It has been confirmed that the comments received had been from Winkfield Parish Council.   An additional representation had been received from the applicant.



RESOLVED that, subject to confirmation that the comments had been received from the appropriate Parish Council, the Head of Development Management be authorised to approve the application, subject to the following conditions:-


01.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 28th April 2009:  Site location plan and drawing no. CL/500/1/Rev A  (or any plans or details subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority as an amendment to the approved plans).

02.     Within 1 month of the date of this permission provisions for parking and turning shall be laid out within the site in accordance with the approved plan [CL/500/1/REV A] for vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn. The spaces shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than parking and turning of vehicles.

03.     No machinery shall be operated at the premises comprised within the land as outlined in red on the site location plan submitted 28th April 2009 outside the hours 7.00am to 6.30pm on Mondays to Fridays and 8.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday.  No machinery shall be operated on Saturday after 1.00pm, Sundays Bank Holidays or recognised Public Holidays.

04.    No machinery, equipment or materials including products or parts, crates and packing materials shall be stacked or stored outside of any buildings situated on the land as outlined in red on the site location plan submitted 28th April 2009.

05.    The number of persons employed in the units the subject of this permission shall not exceed twenty in number at any one time (including both full time and part time workers).




Summary Of Reason(s) For Decision:



The following development plan policies have been taken into account in determining this planning application:


 - Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan: 


 Policy GB4, Re-use and change of use of buildings within the Green Belt states that "within the Green Belt, the change of use and adaptation of existing buildings will only be acceptable where:


(i) the impact of the proposal on the existing open, rural and undeveloped character of the Green Belt will not be materially greater than that of the present use; and


(ii) strict control is exercised over the extension or re-used buildings, and the associated land around them, which might conflict with the existing open, rural and undeveloped character of the Green Belt; and


(iii) the building is of permanent construction and its scale, design, bulk and form are in keeping with its surroundings; and


(iv) the proposed change of use or adaption would not be detrimental to the character and appearance of the building, its surroundings and landscape setting; and


(v) the proposed change of use, within any individual building or complex of buildings within a close proximity, would not result in a net increase of more than 500 square metres of business, industrial, distribution or storage (use class B1 to B8) floorspace; and


(vi) the proposal would not cause significant environmental, road safety or traffic generation problems; and


(vii) the proposed change of use of the building is small scale and appropriate to the area."



 - Core Strategy Supplementary Planning Document:


Policy CS9, Development on Land Outside Settlements, states "The Council will protect land outside settlements for its own sake, particularly from development that would adversely affect the character, appearance or function of the land."


- South East Plan:


Policy SP5, Green Belts, states "The existing broad extent of Green Belts in the region is appropriate and will be retained and supported and the opportunity be taken to improve their land-use management and access as part of initiatives to improve the urban fringe."


(Please note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list).


The following material considerations have been taken into account:


Whilst the proposal is considered not to comply with Policy GB4 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan in that the floorspace exceeds 500m2, in this case it is considered that special circumstances apply and it is appropriate to approve the application in accordance with PPS7 and PPG2 para 3.8.  The proposal would not adversely affect the land use management or the openness of this Green Belt location in terms of Core Strategy Policy CS9 and South East Plan Policy SP5 nor would the proposal adversely affect highway safety, the character of the plot, neighbouring property or significantly affect the amenities of neighbouring property.  The planning application is therefore approved.




Supporting documents: