Agenda item

Departmental Overview and Performance

Discussion with the Director of Environment, Culture and Communities concerning the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance, with reference to the Performance Monitoring Report for the first quarter of 2008/09.


Please bring the previously circulated Performance Monitoring Report to the meeting. Copies are available on request and attached to this agenda if viewed online.


The Director of Environment, Culture and Communities gave a presentation in respect of departmental performance with reference to the Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for the 1st Quarter 2008/09. The presentation outlined the Department’s finances as at July 2008, highlighted variances on revenue and identified capital projects that would be carried forward. Staffing issues, changes to the Department following the Council restructure, key highlights and a forward look were also included. Members were advised that a final version of the report would be circulated following the meeting.


The Panel was advised that 17.95% of the Capital Budget had been spent and the anticipated year end spend was 99.47% with 0.53% being carried forward. Officers were being encouraged to look forward throughout the year so it was anticipated that all monies would be spent by the end of the year.


The Panel noted that because of the retirement of the Shire Horses, there was a £15,000 saving on the budget and land charges income had fallen because a number of people were carrying out their own searches, so there was a shortfall of £120,000. Furthermore, targets for Smart Connect had not been achieved, mainly because they had been set to an aspirational rather than realistic level, so there was a budget pressure of £100,000. There was a positive variance on Planning Delivery Grant and the Council had received £342,000 more than expected. Consequently, the revenue budget was forecast to be £107,000 in credit.


The Panel was advised that there was a potential budget pressure arising from Downshire Golf Course because due to adverse weather, there had been fewer visitors than predicted over the summer. Two positive issues providing cost savings were emerging from concessionary fares and the waste PFI and these would be reported on at the next meeting.


The Panel was advised that the staff vacancy rate was 8.91% and that it was not appropriate to compare this to previous quarters, at this stage, as the Department headcount had increased significantly following the re-organisation in April 2008. In addition, the functions within each division were different.  Sickness absences were being actively managed.


Key features of the last quarter featured the successful establishment of the new department, the 100% completion of staff appraisals by the due date, approval of the recommendation not to outsource leisure facilities, extensive work undertaken on trees, the first public health report being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission and the award of a grant worth £659,000 from the Government in recognition of performance in completing the core strategy and work relating to housing provision. A further highlight was the decision not to proceed with the government initiative of free swimming for over 60s and 16s and under. This decision had been discussed in depth with the Executive Member, and, although it was considered a positive initiative, the Council had a very large number of people of these ages swimming already, and the grant was only a third of what was required to cover the costs of running such an initiative.  Consequently, had the Council participated, the additional costs would have had to be covered by the Council, and, therefore, the public.


The following points arose from Members’ questions and comments:


·                     Due to economic pressures it was noted that housing delivery would be reduced, and this could prevent the Council from achieving a grant award from the HPDG. Members were advised that the target had been reduced in order to be more realistic in the current financial climate. Housing Strategy Initiatives had been delayed but officers were now looking at more creative approaches and how they could help support residents.  The new Housing Strategy had been deferred to the Executive meeting in January.

·                     The Licensing and Safety Committee would be considering comments from the taxi trade at its next meeting following concerns raised about increasing taxi fares.

·                     The Vice-Chairman congratulated the Department on its successful restructuring and control of expenditure.

·                     The Director would circulate the estimated date of when the permanent community centre on JennettsPark would be built.

·                     The street lights on Mill Lane and Bagshot Road had not worked for the whole of the summer raising concerns from residents. Members were assured that work would commence on Mill Lane in the next few weeks and Bagshot Road shortly after. The delay had been caused because it was more complicated than just changing the bulbs and the Council had to go out to tender for the works involved. The Director agreed to confirm the dates for this.

·                     Speed assessments on ‘B’ class roads were technical and Members would be consulted on any proposed changes, with the respective Ward Members consulted first.

·                     The compulsory purchase order had been agreed for the Town Centre.  The Chief Executive would be meeting with BRP shortly to determine what impact, if any, the current credit crunch had on the Bracknell town centre development and its phasing.

·                     The figures on complaints were incorrect; there had been three stage 1 complaints in relation to planning processes, two stage 2 complaints and one ongoing stage 3 complaint.

·                     The Chief Officer: Leisure and Culture undertook to provide a note on the completion of the handover of Church Hill House.

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