Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 10 September 2020 6.30 pm

Venue: Online Only

Contact: Hannah Stevenson  01344 352308

Link: This meeting will be held online


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 161 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on .


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 August 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Items of Business

Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent.


There were no urgent items of business.


PS: Application No 19/00618/FUL - Bewes Stud, Prince Albert Drive, Ascot pdf icon PDF 470 KB

Change of use of land for use as a residential caravan site for no.4 x 2 bed caravans (park homes) with maximum measurements of 40ft x 20ft (12.192m x 6.096m) with associated landscaping, parking and turning following the demolition of existing buildings and removal of the manege.


Change of use of land for use as a residential caravan site for no.4 x 2 bed caravans (park homes) with maximum measurements of 40ft x 20ft (12.192m x 6.096m) with associated landscaping, parking and turning following the demolition of existing buildings and removal of the manege.


The Committee noted:

·        The supplementary papers tabled at the meeting

·        Winkfield Parish Councils comments as detailed in the agenda papers

·        A total of 45 objections as summarised in the agenda papers.

·        The representations from 2 speakers who joined the meeting.

·        6 further objections as detailed in the supplementary report.


A motion to approve the recommendation in the officer report was proposed but not



Therefore an alternative motion to refuse the application was proposed and

seconded, and on being put to the vote was CARRIED.


RESOLVED that application 19/00618/FUL be REFUSED for the following reasons:


01. The proposed change of use of the land for the siting of 4 mobile homes would result in a more intensive use of the site than the existing mixed use and as a consequence of this, would not preserve the openness of the Green Belt, and overall it is considered out of keeping with the surrounding pattern and form of development within Prince Albert Drive to the detriment to the rural character and visual amenities of the area defined as Green Belt. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policies EN8 and GB2 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan and Policy CS9 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and NPPF paragraph 146.



02. The occupants of the development would put extra pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and the proposal would not satisfactorily mitigate its impacts in this respect. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable avoidance and mitigation measures and access management monitoring arrangements, in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, the proposal would be contrary to Policy NRM6 of the South East Plan, Policy EN3 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, Policy CS14 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Supplementary Planning Document (2018).




Application No 19/00862/FUL - Land Adjacent To Silver Trees, Birch Lane, Ascot pdf icon PDF 318 KB

Erection of single two storey dwelling.


Erection of single two storey dwelling.


The Committee noted:


·        The supplementary papers tabled at the meeting.

·        That the Parish Council raised no objection.

·        3 letters of representation were received, one in support of the application and two of objection.


As requested a recorded vote was taken on the motion and the voting was as follows:


FOR (14): Councillors Angell, Dr Barnard, D Birch, Brossard, Brown, Dudley, Gbadebo, Green, Mrs Hayes MBE, Mrs Mattick, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs McKenzie-Boyle, Mossom and Parker


AGAINST (3): Bhandari, Skinner and Virgo



RESOLVED that the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


01 The proposed development will result in tree removal including a large expanse

of woodland and will also adversely affect other trees which make an important

contribution to the landscape character and appearance of the area and are protected by Tree Preservation Orders. As such it would be contrary to Policies CS1, CS2, CS7, CS9 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and Policies H5, EN1, EN8 and EN20 of the Bracknell Forest Borough Local Plan, the Character Area Assessments SPD and the National Planning Policy Framework.


02 The occupants of the additional dwelling would put extra pressure on the Thames

Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and the proposal would not satisfactorily mitigate its impacts in this respect. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable avoidance and mitigation measures and access management monitoring

arrangements, in terms that are satisfactory to the Local Planning Authority, the

proposal would be contrary to retained Policy NRM6 of the South East Plan, Policy

CS14 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document, the Thames Basin Heaths

Special Protection Area Supplementary Planning Document (2018) and the National

Planning Policy Framework.




Application No 19/00327/FUL - Land At South West Of Abbey Place, Abbey Place, Warfield pdf icon PDF 869 KB

Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping.


Erection of 9 dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping.


The Committee noted:

·        Warfield Parish Councils comments, objecting to the proposal as detailed in the agenda papers

·        A total of 5 objections from neighbouring properties as summarised in the

agenda papers.

·        The supplementary papers tabled at the meeting

·        The additional representations received from a neighbour who had already objected to the development as detailed in the supplementary papers.


Following the completion of planning obligations secured by an agreement, under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, relating to:


- The construction of affordable housing and an off-site contribution towards affordable housing.

- The construction of the pedestrian and cycle access within the site, and a financial

contribution for the delivery of the section within the Redrow site to the west.

- A permissive right through the development by foot or bicycle.

- A contribution towards the ICT fit out of the Warfield West Primary School

- A financial contribution towards the Warfield Community Hub and new Neighbourhood Centre.

- A financial contribution for off-site open space provision to be used towards Priory Fields and/or the Warfield Memorial Ground Playing Field.

- The provision and long-term maintenance of sustainable drainage (SuDs).

Planning Committee 10th September 2020

- The Thames Basins Heaths SPA mitigation – Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and contribution towards Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM).


RESOLVED that the Head of Planning be authorised to APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Head of Planning considers necessary and following the required consultation with the applicant in relation to pre-commencement conditions: -


01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from

the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as



2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority:

Block Plan AP-BP- 01

Site Layout AB-SL_9U-01C - Rec. 26.5.2020

Site Layout Coloured - AB-CSL_9U- 01 - Rec. 12.6.2020

Plot 1 - Plans and Elevations AB-PE_9U - 01 - Rec. 7.8.2020

Plot 2 - Plans and Elevations AB-PE_9U - 02 - Rec. 7.8.2020

Plot 3 - Plans and Elevations AB-PE_9U - 03 - Rec. 7.8.2020

Plots 4-9 - Plans and Elevations AB-PE_9U - 04A - Rec 12.6.2020

Streetscene - AB-SS - 01- 02 - Rec. 7.8.2020

Drainage Strategy C200 Rev 5 - Rec. 3. 8. 2020

Existing Ditch Engineering works BR- 533-0037 C203A - Rec. 29.1.2020

Flood Risk Assessment Calibro Report Ref BR-537-0037 Rev 02 - Rec 3.2.2020

Tree Protection Plan TMC - 13075 - L/C - Rec. 11.5.2020

Tree Survey and Constraints Plan TMC - 13075 - S/C - Rec 11.5.2020

Arboricultural Impact Statement 13075- AIA - C - Rec.11.5.2020

Phase 1 Geo Environmental Risk Assessment - Rec 8.4.2019

Sustainability Statement - Rec 30.4.2020

REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.


Application No 20/00031/COND - 28 Meadow Way, Bracknell pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Details pursuant to Condition 03 (Materials), Condition 04 (Slab Levels), Condition 08 (Landscaping), Condition 09 (Boundary Treatments), Condition 10 (Sustainability Statement), Condition 17 (Site Organisation) and Condition 23 (Services) of planning permission 17/00929/FUL.


This item was withdrawn from the agenda.


Application No 20/00290/FUL - Liberta House, 17 Scotland Hill, Sandhurst pdf icon PDF 614 KB

Change of use of building and land from Use Class B1(c) (Light Industrial) to use Class C3 (Dwelling houses), creating 7no. one-bedroom apartments and 2no. two-bedroom apartments with associated works, parking and amenity areas, and partial demolition of existing south elevation.


Change of use of building and land from Use Class B1(c) (Light Industrial) to use Class C3 (Dwelling houses) creating 7no. one bedroom apartments and 2no. two bedroom apartments with associated works, parking and amenity areas, and partial demolition of existing south elevation.


The Committee noted:


·        That no comments had been received by Sandhurst Town Council.

·        A total of 7 objections from neighbouring properties as summarised in the

agenda papers.

·        The supplementary papers tabled at the meeting.


Following the completion of planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to:-

01.  mitigation of impacts on the Thames Basin Heaths SPA;


RESOLVED that the Head of Planning be authorised to APPROVE the application

20/00290/FUL subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as

the Head of Planning considers necessary and following the required consultation

with the agent in relation to pre-commencement conditions: -


01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three

years from the date of this permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(as amended).


02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority.

FLU.1143.01 Rev T - Proposed & Existing Site Layouts & Location Plan – received


FLU.1143.07 Rev F - Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan – received 22.06.20

FLU.1143.08 Rev F - Proposed Ground Floor Plan – received 22.06.20

FLU.1143.09 Rev F - Proposed First Floor Plan – received 22.06.20

FLU.1143.10 Rev F - Proposed Front and Side Elevations – received 13.08.20

FLU.1143.11 Rev D - Proposed Rear and Side Elevations – received 13.08.20

FLU.1143.12 Rev B - Bin Store Plans & Elevations – received 05.08.20

FLU.1143.13 Rev A - Pathway Plan received 24.08.20

Hone Ecology Report dated 13 April 2020


Contaminated Land Risk Assessment by Soil Environment Services Ltd (March


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the

Local Planning Authority.


03. The residential accommodation hereby approved shall not comprise more than 7no. one-bedroom flats and 2no. two bedroom flats.

REASON: To ensure the development does not impose undue pressure on the

Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area over and above the financial

mitigation secured by a legal agreement which was based upon the number of

bedrooms approved under this planning permission.

Relevant Policies: Saved Policy NRM6, Saved policy EN3 of the BFBLP and CS14

of CSDPD, the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD (April 2018), the

Planning Obligations SPD and the NPPF.


04. No structure hereby permitted shall be built above existing ground level until

samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of

the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing

by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted samples shall include details of

bricks, roof tiles, windows and details of any hard surfaces. The development shall

be carried out in accordance with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Application No 20/00410/FUL - 4 Forbes Chase, College Town, Sandhurst pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Erection of outbuilding.


The application was determined under delegated powers and therefore removed from the agenda.


Application No 20/00595/PAC - 98 High Street (First and Second Floors), Crowthorne pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Application for Prior Approval for the change of use from Offices (Class B1(a)) to Dwellinghouses (Class C3) comprising 1 No. two-bedroom dwelling.


The application was determined under delegated powers and therefore removed from the agenda.