Agenda and minutes

Bracknell Town Centre Regeneration Committee - Monday, 23 July 2007 5.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, Easthampstead House, Bracknell. View directions

Contact: Derek Morgan  01344 352044

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in relation to items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of personal or prejudicial interests in relation to items on the agenda.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Monday 18 June 2007.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 June 2007 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Urgent Items of Business

There were no urgent items of business.


There were no urgent items of business.


Exclusion of Public and Press

To consider the following motion:


That pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) Regulations 2000, members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of item 6 which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information under the following category of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:


(3)        Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority).


RESOLVED that pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) Regulations 2000, members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of items 6-8 which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the following category of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:


(3)        Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority).


Executive Decisions containing Exempt Information


The Committee considered a report containing exempt information on the following items.  The decisions taken are detailed in the attached decision sheet and summarised below:


Bracknell Town Centre Regeneration - Update

(Assistant Chief Executive)




1          That the approach to the regeneration of Bracknell Town Centre as set out in the report and, in particular, the progress of the Compulsory Purchase Order, be endorsed; and


2          That two members and two officers be nominated to sit on the Town Centre Partnership Group or such other group as established.



New Jubilee Gardens

(Assistant Chief Executive)


RESOLVED that the emerging design proposals for JubileeGardens and proposed feedback to the Bracknell Regeneration Partnership as set out in Appendix A of the Assistant Chief Executive’s report be noted.



Civic Hub - Update

(Assistant Chief Executive)




1.                  That the suggested spend of £4,688m in Appendix A of the Assistant Chief Executive’s report for the Outline Scope of Works be endorsed.


2.                  That the separate work to repair the Time Square roof and air-conditioning be dealt with as part of the Council’s annual capital maintenance programme.


3.                  That the following priorities for expenditure be endorsed should additional funding be forthcoming:


(a)        Additional funding to support ICT facilities in the business centre and meeting rooms in Time Square and the hub.


(b)        Enhancing the cultural offer in the hub, complementing the library and increasing the visitor numbers.


(c)        Additional IT facilities in the library.


(d)        Additional library stock.


Decision Records pdf icon PDF 38 KB