Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring Report

Meeting: 23/09/2014 - Environment, Culture and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 23)

23 Quarterly Service Report (QSR) pdf icon PDF 441 KB

To consider the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance as reported in the QSR for the first quarter of 2014/15 (April to June 2014) relating to Environment, Culture and Communities.  An overview of the second quarter of 2014/15 will also be provided.


Please bring the previously circulated Quarterly Service Report to the meeting.  The QSR is attached to this agenda if viewed online.


The Panel considered the latest trends, priorities and pressures in terms of departmental performance as reported in the Quarterly Service Report for the first quarter in 2014/15 (April to June 2014) relating to Environment, Culture and Communities (ECC).


The Director highlighted the following significant budget variances:


  • Concessionary Fares £119,000 - due to changes in Government guidance on fare calculation
  • Planning Policy Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) £105,000 - assumed income not received due to the deferral of the implementation of CIL until April 2015.
  • Waste Disposal £61,000 - the cost of increased land fill (see also Minute 18 above).


The Director also reported on the marked increase in planning applications (51% up on the same period last year and 25% up on the previous quarter) which, together with a rise in enquiries, appeals and enforcement complaints had put the service under pressure and was likely to adversely impact on performance in the next quarter.


Arising from the Panel’s questions and comments the following points were noted:


·                     Officers were seeking to identify additional areas for rose beds at the Cemetery and Crematorium.

·                     It was agreed to investigate reported problems with the blue bin incentive scheme e-cards at Sandhurst Library and South Hill Park.

·                     Performance Indicator NI 192 measured recycling by tonnage rather than volume so, as recycling materials got thinner and lighter it was possible that increased amounts were being recycled. Councillor Mrs Hayes, Executive Member for the Environment, stated that she had raised this issue and other matters of concern, with the Secretary of State.

·                     The recent EU Waste Framework Directive concerned the sorting of co-mingled paper and glass. As the Council did not collect these together it did not apply. However  directives on waste and recycling were increasingly onerous.

·                     The trial recycling collection of flexible packaging would last for three months. Residents would opt in to this service and would be provided with separate bags.

·                     Officers agreed to check whether the figure of 33% of appeals dismissed (Annually) under performance indicator L181 was, in fact, the percentage of appeals allowed.


The Panel thanked the officers for the comprehensive report.