Issue - meetings

Report on Mediation of Recyclate Income Compensation

Meeting: 02/10/2012 - Joint Waste Disposal Board (Item 10)

Report on Mediation of Recyclate Income

To receive an update on work undertaken to reach an agreement on the Recyclate Income.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report providing an update on the latest position with regard to the mediation of the ongoing dispute between the re3 Councils and the PFI Contractor over the distribution of income from the sale of recyclable materials.  


A second day of mediation would be scheduled for early December and it was proposed that in advance of the second mediation session, Ernst and Young be contracted to analyse all the documentation pertaining to the case and identify a range of potential ways forward and the possible impacts that these might have on other areas.  It was agreed that Board members would be briefed on these potential scenarios prior to the second day of mediation.




  1. £45,000 from the re3 project legal budget be used to cover the cost of further mediation work
  2. Board members to be briefed on any potential solutions to be used during mediation prior to the second day of mediation