Issue - meetings

New non-statutory advice for RE

Meeting: 10/03/2010 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 135)

New non-statutory advice for RE


Jo Fageant told the meeting that there was new non-statutory guidance for RE, replacing Circular 194. She urged members to take a close look at the document, which contained two chapters about the importance of RE, and chapter 3 was about the role and responsibilities of SACRE. It divided the role of SACRE into must-do and should-do, and was a useful document. The Chairman welcomed the clarity which this document brought. He thanked Jo Fageant for bringing it to the attention of the members.


Jo also indicated that the Chairman of the National Association of SACREs had reviewed this document, and the review would be published in the newsletter on the national website. Hard copies were available from DCSF publications.