Issue - meetings

The new primary curriculum and RE

Meeting: 10/03/2010 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 134)

The new primary curriculum and RE


Jo Fageant spoke about the new Primary Curriculum, which was now available. There were links to this given in the agenda papers. There had been a revision of the national curriculum, but the Bracknell Forest agreed syllabus remained in place. Ms Fageant told the meeting that there was an opportunity for confusion for schools as this was part of the statutory curriculum but not part of the national curriculum. It should be considered when changing the RE syllabus. The locally-agreed curriculum was more flexible for schools, but could not stipulate how much time should be allocated to the teaching of RE in primary schools. It was possible to use wording such as “to use this syllabus effectively you may need to give 5% of teaching time to it”.


Concern was expressed by members that this was confusing. It was suggested and agreed that SACRE should issue a response to this to counter the confusion. It was suggested that this could also go to the Primary Heads meeting for update. Ms Fageant also told the group that she had access to draft cross-curricular work from West Berkshire, and this resource could be made available to Bracknell Forest schools. It was agreed that she would inform the Chairman when this became available, and he would distribute it electronically.


Action: Jo Fageant/Gordon Anderson