Issue - meetings

Questions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10

Meeting: 15/09/2021 - Council (Item 23)

Question Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10

(i)         Councillor Temperton to Councillor Turrell, Executive Member for Planning and Transport


Having seen the recent photos of flooding in London, is the Council confident that the surface drains throughout Bracknell Forest have both the capacity and adequate maintenance to deal with extreme rainfall?


Councillor Temperton asked Councillor Turrell, Executive Member for Planning and Transport the following published question:


Having seen the recent photos of flooding in London, is the Council confident that the surface drains throughout Bracknell Forest have both the capacity and adequate maintenance to deal with extreme rainfall?


In response Councillor Turrell agreed that the images of recent flash flooding in London were alarming but noted that such intense rainfall related to storm weather was typically rare. He observed that the urban density of London, and other large towns and cities, increased their vulnerability to flash flooding whilst mixed urban and rural areas fare better with greener environments providing increased drainage capacity and natural water attenuation.


He stated that it was a requirement of new developments within Bracknell Forest sites to ensure that flood risk did not increase or impact upon the wider drainage infrastructure as a result of urban growth. He added that it was equally important to ensure that the existing drainage network was subject to improvements where needed. He advised that like all local authorities, and especially as lead local flood authority, Bracknell Forest Council applied an evidence and risk-based approach to ensure that finite Government funding for maintenance improvements was targeted to where it was needed most. He added that the important routine and cyclical maintenance of gullies, pipework and culverts would have increased focus in areas where flood risk potential was higher.


He concluded that he was confident that Bracknell Forest Council took a responsible approach to flood risk but the impact of significant weather events could always pose a threat to highway drainage networks.


Councillor Temperton asked a supplementary question whether the Council utilised modelling software to predict the impact of extreme rainfall and urged residents to contact the Council when they saw blocked drains on both paths and roads.


Councillor Turrell agreed with request to encourage residents to report blocked drains to help maintain the drainage system. He responded that he would follow up with officers regarding the use of computing modelling to understand the network and the potential impact. He agreed that this was an issue that needed to be taken seriously.