Decision details

Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) - Capacity Allocation

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the withdrawal of access to strategic SANG capacity from certain 'windfall' developments and Prior Approvals in order to reserve limited capacity for allocated sites.


That following careful assessment officers be authorised not to provide capacity in the Strategic Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANGs) for large Prior Approval schemes or other unplanned large applications located beyond the defined settlements in Binfield, Bracknell, Warfield and Winkfield which are considered to undermine the Council’s Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy.

That these forms of development be directed to known private Bespoke SANGs where capacity may exist. 

Reasons for the decision:

To safeguard Strategic SANG capacity for allocated residential development sites and windfall planning application sites within the defined settlement boundaries which conform with the development plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

To protect the Council’s Special Protection Area avoidance and mitigation strategy as set out in the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (2012).

Alternative options considered:

Two alternative options have been considered:


1.    To provide Strategic SANG capacity for such developments in the north of the Borough.  This would ultimately result in the Council having to refuse many applications for sites which are allocated in the Site Allocations Local Plan or windfall planning application sites within the defined settlement boundaries which are supported in the Development Plan.


2.    Withdraw the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance and Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (2012) and place an embargo on all new residential development in the Borough. Development could then proceed but only if where it provides its own SANG solution accompanied by a full Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).


Both options are considered unnecessary and undesirable and can be avoided if the Council agrees not to provide Strategic SANG capacity for large residential Prior Approval applications and relevant large unplanned residential developments located beyond the defined settlement boundary in the North of the Borough. The term large developments are defined as residential developments of 10 or more dwellings. The Council has worked, and will continue to work, with third parties to facilitate alternative private Bespoke SANG capacity to enable such developments to proceed, outside the Councils avoidance and mitigation strategy.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Financial Impact: None at this time.

Declarations: None.

Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No.

Making Representations: In writing to the Director of Environment, Culture and Communities.

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Not applicable.

Contact: Max Baker, Assistant Director: Planning Email: Tel: 01344 351902.

Publication date: 06/06/2017

Date of decision: 06/06/2017

Effective from: 14/06/2017