Decision details

2011/12 Draft Budget Proposals

Decision Maker: Children, Young People & Learning Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Children, Young People and Learning presented a report on the key themes and priorities for the Children, Young People and Learning Department as outlined in the Council’s Draft Budget Proposals for 2011/12. The key themes included draft budget pressures, draft budget savings, draft budget net position, capital spend, staffing implications, and fees, charges and other income.


The Panel was informed that the draft budget proposals had been developed before the Council had received notification of its final financial settlement from Central government.  This settlement had now been received and work was taking place to ensure that proposals were in line with the settlement.


One of the most significant budgetary developments for the Department was the amalgamation of a number of grants into a single Early Intervention Grant and the removal of ringfencing. A move that gave greater flexibility in the way that funding could be spent.


The Government had placed a significant emphasis on the importance of early intervention and prevention work and these areas featured strongly in the draft proposals. 


Arsing from members’ questions and comments the following points were noted:


·         Figures in the 2011/12 Commitment Budget for Senior Management Restructure related to the restructure of the team following the departure of senior officers during 2009/10.

·         Savings proposed in the Education Welfare Service would focus on the organisation surrounding the front line staff.  The Council’s statutory education welfare role would be maintained

·         Changes to the contract for advocacy and independent visiting would enable the provision of a spot service from a range of experienced providers which would be more appropriate to the Council’s requirements than the previous service

·         The reduction of 0.6FTE staff at the Larchwood Short Break Care Centre would be through the loss of ancillary staff and not those staff  working directly with the children using the service

·         The proposed saving in the cost of care and support for looked after children were a result of children naturally moving through the care system

·         The loss of 1.0FTE post in the Student Finance Section had been a planned redundancy following the centralisation of the student loans application service

·         A long term strategy was being developed for the delivery of speech and language therapy services. More details would be circulated to members

·         There had been no business case to continue funding the Family Tree Nursery and following consultation with families and staff it had been recommended that the Council close the Nursery on 31 March 2011.  The associated report would be circulated to members


The Panel stressed that they understood the need to make cut backs but expressed a wish that consideration be given to reinstating any services that had been reduced as soon as possible.


The Panel thanked the Director for her report and noted the draft budget proposals.


Publication date: 24/01/2011

Date of decision: 12/01/2011

Decided at meeting: 12/01/2011 - Children, Young People & Learning Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Accompanying Documents: